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  • Stichting_NoFap
    Stichting_NoFap Posts: 89

    Level 3

    I have had many similar experiences, just saying, not making accusations, but it stands out to me that often the board ends up in a way where you're 1 move from finishing and there's something that prevents that from happening, while the rest of the game everything went in a normal way. For example, I'm at the point of needing 1 more gelatine square, during the whole game it disappeared fast. But only the last one keeps prevented to be hit in different ways, such as striped combos that are dropped by the board to help get the target, now keep falling one too high, one too low, or exploding before I can use it. You could argue that this idea is caused by the times with a failure on the last move being remembered better and creating a suspicion of the game cheating. But I am sure that after years of playing I've seen the patters clearly repeated enough times.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,012

    Hi there @Stichting_NoFap You have encountered one of those "one more jelly" levels. They do exist. They ARE predetermined by King's algorithms. I have played so many levels that I can now predict when they are about to happen, from a few moves before the end. Well done for recognising the pattern and thanks for posting here and confirming my suspicions. King have I think become lazy in hiding their dirty tricks lately. The manipulations and pre determined boards are much more obvious than they were a few months ago. The gameplay we players need to employ to beat Candy Crush is to recognise these manipulations and work with them. Always keep those free lollipop hammers you occasionally get in game for these boards and don't waste them on anything else. Don't get angry but accept the game as it is, and then it can still be enjoyed.

  • susanschriver59801
    susanschriver59801 Posts: 23

    Level 3

    Whoever redesigned the new chocolate box with a bunch of TIMED boosters should be fired! What in the actual hell is wrong with you people?!? I don't pay money just to get a bunch of TIMED boosters! Is King hurting for money that bad that they can't give a decent booster? Do you even hear all the complaints about lives? People are getting fed up because honestly, NO ONE IS LISTENING! You don't freaking take away lives and make it almost impossible to get them! Do you not understand that limiting people's ability to play the game actually COSTS King money? This is the ONLY game I have ever come across that actually DISCOURAGES playing the game! People are already pissed off because, wait for it, King won't let them play the game as much as they want because they won't let them have extra lives after your "limit" and I for one am not going to log back into a game every half hour for a stupid life! So whoever came up with that imbecile idea needs to be fired! You don't tell people that they have a limit on how long or how much they can play a game and expect anyone to stick around long term. The proof is how many times King has changed ownership over the years. Successful companies don't do that. Successful companies LISTEN to their customer base! As for me, it's just one more reason, among many, that this Chica won't be playing anymore. Too bad. You made a lot of money off me. But timed boosters and a game telling me how long I can play isn't worth MY time!

  • dylansnama
    dylansnama Posts: 8

    Level 2

    This keeps happening often on constantly! I am a head in the game, and then this happens, and I get passed by!

  • stephanieroy
    stephanieroy Posts: 18

    Level 2

    edited October 2023

    My issue is a re-occurring issue. Trying to complete the orange leaf challenge, I get them and at the end, it shows the graph bar of collected candies and stays at ZERO, and then try to replay the level, it freezes so I have to re-start the game and same thing happens over and over after beating the level...So I get NO credit for leaves collected...Is this your way of "glitching" to hold back earned rewards? If so, it's pretty sad of you to do that...Don't even want to play anymore, needless to say NO money will be wasted on this game, AND it also keeps me from collecting the booster wheel daily, because every time I have to re-load the page, I can't get it..Stop doing this and fix it!!! AND I'm not lvl 2 for whatever reason it keeps saying that, been playing for years and am lvl 4811

  • tis_janie
    tis_janie Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I dislike the portrait layout first of all, and now my friends connection is gone! What's going on with King?

  • GSH10
    GSH10 Posts: 61

    Level 3

    You are making this game impossible. The contest to "collect butterflies" is of no use to players who do not pass hundreds of levels each day. They just do not show up during routine daily play!

    Now the new contest to collect green "gem" candies is even harder! At least you put a note saying these candies are "RARE". Once again only players who can pass hundreds of levels have even a remote chance.

    My progress is at a stand still and now the chances to win boosters are fewer and fewer. I guess my game is done after over 15,000 levels passed! Bye Bye!!!

  • nbratton
    nbratton Posts: 1

    Level 1

    The game is cheating. That is all.

  • dylansnama
    dylansnama Posts: 8

    Level 2

    I’m wondering why the game has changed so much. Maybe because I don’t pay for extras? It’s almost impossible to go to the next level without the original game. There are no perks given to help assist as there was throughout the first 9000 levels. If this is a glitch, I really do not want to stop playing, so I thought I would let you know. If it remains that there is no way to succeed to get to the next level, I will move on. Please explain, thank you.

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