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⭐ New Feature - Season Mastery



  • pnypoulos
    pnypoulos Posts: 3

    Level 1

    edited October 2023

    Thanks I have received over a dozen of these that haven’t collected anywhere and seem to have no use. Like you say, disappointing and worthless.

  • aekiameh
    aekiameh Posts: 5

    Level 2

    I don't understand how the feature works

    Well, today I seem to be playing for those chests now, but all the stars(?) I so far collected, didn’t count for anything. Gold rush got me 2, other extra games gave me 5 in total, yet I only just now have collected 3 stars for the bronze chest.

    It’s fine (though, why???) that certain things are not showing for everyone, but at least don’t make me win items I can’t use. Really feels shitty I did my best to complete a challenge, only to be rewarded with something I have no use for, and won’t be used when the event it’s for finally does show up. Rather had powerhouse then than this. But all for making more money, right???

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 10,977
    Love it! I absolutely enjoy the new feature and think it adds a lot to the game

    I got it the event added to my Sunflower login and am enjoying it. A little bit confusing at first but I think I'll be able to pass it now to achieve the gold level, so that is great! A nice addition for honest players who try to play without spending a fortune.

  • sjnyc
    sjnyc Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I don't understand how the feature works

    I’ve passed all the challenges- I don’t have a screenshot because there’s nothing there, but most recent challenge included passing 25 levels on first try and then collecting (I think) 50 (?) color bombs - and nowhere on my events page do I see ANYTHING that shows I have Mastery Points nor do I see any ‘treasure chest’. I think there’s a glitch in the game - really getting frustrated!!

  • Andres-2
    Andres-2 Posts: 4,533

    I don't have it in my game

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,226
    edited November 2023
    I haven't had the chance to try it yet but looks fun

    Hi I loved it and completed it 🥳

  • aekiameh
    aekiameh Posts: 5

    Level 2

    I don't understand how the feature works

    disappointing event. Collected those stars before I got the event. Then when I finally did get the event, it was only for a few days before it ended .

    Collected stars before that weren’t counted and added to the chests. There was 1 event I could partake in to collect more, then for 3 whole days nothing.

    Told me today the event ended and that I collected 8/20 mastery stars. I didn’t. I collected more.

    All in all: if you have an event, either allow everyone to take part in it from the beginning, or just don’t allow someone at all. Now I collected mastery stars I couldn’t use for days, and when the event eventually did show up, it was impossible to collect all 20 stars.

  • dianne_newitt20
    dianne_newitt20 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I got to silver level on this, but didn’t get a reward. 😒

  • jenniferfields39898
    jenniferfields39898 Posts: 62

    Level 3

    I haven't had the chance to try it yet but looks fun

    I have not received this. What is up with this?

  • teeweiping
    teeweiping Posts: 8,792
    Neutral - I don't have strong feelings about the new feature either way

    So far I don't have this new feature yet.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?