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Candy Crush level 1710



  • Shirley-18
    Shirley-18 Posts: 10

    Level 1

    Randle, yes I did finally beat levell 1710, however it cost me 1 color bomb and wrapped/stripe match booster to begin with and when time ran out I had 46000 points.  At that point it was to close to end the game so I used gold bars to get the extra 15 seconds, three (3) times.  I ended up using up 50 gold bars on this try. One tip I do have is don't try to use the +5 candy at the beginning of play because the clock will never give you more than 60 seconds.  In other words if you have 50 seconds left on the clock and you set-off 3 +5 candies you will only get 10 seconds for them rather than 15 seconds.  Hope that made since.  I've decided that when I no longer have any bars left I'm going to quit the game for good.  I just can't beat the timed levels without boosters.  Ugh...Good Luck, let me know how you come out.  

    Help on 1710 please

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