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Has anyone completed level 3714 yet? I don't think it is possible.



  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552

    Hi Mim, hopefully it will get fixed today.

  • Alan_Burton
    Alan_Burton Posts: 37

    Level 3

    New levels are out now, but still no fix for this one. I hope King will  recognise that those of us who have reached this far are both loyal players and more importantly know what we are talking about. Speaking for myself, this is only the second time that I have declared a level to be impossible (and then it was fixed within a couple of days). I am sure none of us here would do so without a great deal of certainty..

  • Mim_
    Mim_ Posts: 639

    I too complained just once about a level and it was fixed. Why is there just one nut that won't come. Bought extra boosters too. I wish I could just stop playing the game. I think we should all just be allowed to go onto the next level after this money and fuss

  • Mariesel
    Mariesel Posts: 109

    Still not working.  I don't mind so much if the levels are impossible without boosters - we get so many of them now - but this is impossible even using boosters.  The last fruit or nut gets stuck and you can't even move it with a hand switch to somewhere it will fall.  I agree we should get some sort of free boosters though for all the ones we have wasted.  I've only complained about one level before, too, and that was a glitch.  Why can't they swap it out for one further on they know works, as has been done before, then put this one in later when it is fixed, rather than leave it to frustrate players?

  • Debbie-5
    Debbie-5 Posts: 303

    I believe the exits were always showing up across the bottom of the screen.  I don't  think anything has changed.   As I said before, I believe the problem is the portholes.  They are not working correctly and allowing the nut or cherry to pass through when cleared.  I would sure like the person who developed this level to come on here and post a video of how exactly this is to be played and the strategy behind it.  

    Yes, so true
  • Mim_
    Mim_ Posts: 639

    Hi Mim, hopefully it will get fixed today.

    Hi, They've done something when you use the coconut wheel it's huge now
  • Debbie-5
    Debbie-5 Posts: 303

    I also played this morning and still not fixed.  So would someone be so kind as to tell me why it is taking over a week to get this level fixed??????  Elsa and Johnny Crush where are you and why is this taking so long to get answers????

  • Cobra
    Cobra Posts: 28

    Level 3

    New levels are out now, but still no fix for this one. I hope King will  recognise that those of us who have reached this far are both loyal players and more importantly know what we are talking about. Speaking for myself, this is only the second time that I have declared a level to be impossible (and then it was fixed within a couple of days). I am sure none of us here would do so without a great deal of certainty..

    Alan, well said. I'm also a firm believer that "everybody can't be wrong". There has been plenty of feedback about this particular level. Level 3714 needs to be scrapped so that we all can move on.
  • Moonina:)
    Moonina:) Posts: 13

    Level 1

    It's completely useless trying to pass this level the way it is now, not only because of the ruined portholes but because of the way it's been designed, with many colors and fruits that make strongly difficult to clear the three blocks. The designer should try to pass it before releasing it, and in this case that hasn't been done. I'm going to use my time in more rewarding things for now.

  • DCall
    DCall Posts: 0


    The problem with this level is one that has existed for a long time, namely that when you have a square that must receive a candy from a diagonal (i.e., any of the three squares that initial have a cupcake blocker in this level ) candy will not alternate coming from the upper right and upper left as it should, but will always come from the upper left if that is available.  That means that in this level to get anything to fall from the upper right in one of those spaces you must do something that simultaneously clears that candy (or causes it to fall) AND clears the candy to the upper left. 

    For example, if you have brought down the cherries then do a stripe/stripe match under the column in which cherries initially appeared (such as the far left column), the "cupcake" position vacates because of the horizontal stripe (clearing below the middle portal) and there is nothing to go into that position from the "cherry" column and, therefore, a nut will fall from the "nut" column (once that nut falls though the new candies will have filled the "cherry" column and will not take that position if there are more spaces - e.g., from a wrapper/stripe combo clearing three horizontal rows - so each combo brings down only one nut).  Thus, the only thing that you can do to make the nuts fall is a combination (or use a coconut wheel).

    In Mim's example above, this means a combo that can clear both the middle column and the upper red, green, green column (such as a strip directly below that column, a double chocolate wheel combo, a wrapper or stripe that clears the red, green, green upper column, etc.). 

    However, since these scenarios are rare it is almost impossible to set up time and time again in just the right position with few remaining turns.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?