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Different versions of the game



  • My levels of 177 & 185 both contain chocolate and are the same as those in the videos. I will check my other games to see if those are the same.

  • Oh! That's interesting. Have you been given 4 hours indefinite lives? I was given this in all three of my games this morning. That is one reason how I've noticed the changes. I can just flit through levels without losing a life and check them all out.

  • Yes I did the get 4 hours of free lives this morning. So it's not just different events that people are getting, it would seem that some of the levels are different too. I also got a new feature a few days ago, kind of like a fast forward button where the game is played at a faster pace. I've tried it out on a few levels and it seems okay.

  • I had that too, but it has disappeared since. In fact it disappeared just when I had won Sam's Streak and I wanted to see if I can get through more levels with it while I had 10 minutes of Party Poppers, which was disappointing. I also have the "view board" button in the new game I started a week ago. It lets me view the map to assess if I wish to play on for 10 gold, after my moves have gone down to zero. It's quite a useful feature, so I doubt they'll ever roll it out to everyone.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 91

    Level 3

    edited November 2023

    Honestly I do not mind the change to the early levels. I always felt there were a few too many different mechanics tossed at the player in short order.

    What I am hoping they will be doing is spreading out stuff like chocolate, bombs, and so on over the first few thousand levels. You got 4 or so new mechanics in under 200 levels and then basically 2 or 3 from 1000-4000 if I recall correctly.

    Got the fast forward button on windows, the altered levels on mobile.

    What is far more interesting to me and I might as support about this one,

    So if you close your app before you start level 20 you will always get the gold pot and the pig, if you don't you might or might not get them.

    The first race can appear on 51 or 66? There seems to be no rhyme or reason to it.

    On mobile I saw the UFO and Party on different levels from one run to 100 to the next. Did not see them on windows.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 91

    Level 3

    Further analysis

    Levels of Boosters

    Lowest - Pregame color bomb or striped and wrapped. There are almost useless unless the level specifically requires them.

    Much better - Pregame boosters all other types. These will improve your chances of wining regardless of type.

    In Game - The are all very strong and make the levels more lucky across the board.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 91

    Level 3

    edited January 2024

    And More

    I suspect if you have the Legendary Level event those levels are slightly easier. I have it and I have first time passed a few which is usually pretty rare.

    Sam's Streak

    The game will after a time try to break the streak by mitigating the effects of the extra moves and boosters.

    Set Levels (set mechanics)

    There are some levels that have one or two specific first move results regardless of what you do. Only in level booster will have an effect on the result. All other boosters are functionally negated. See 417 and a color bomb/striped/wrapped. It is never useful.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,277

    I too have been finding legendary levels passable on my first try. @Pyrolight I think maybe they have made the game easier all round this week, after the Winter Cup finished. I played in that and since the event finished I have been a lot more successful at clearing episodes with a net win of gold than during the event when I made a net loss. Same player, same tactics. I've started a new game this week, after a long while. Out of interest, when does Sam's Streak start? I am just up to level 180 and have the cheap version of the win streak (one of each booster, no extra moves) and chocolate box.

    Be aware that King update the events and level set-up automatically, everytime you see this on your screen. It seems to pop up in the middle of my game sometimes and certainly every day when I start playing. There is no way to escape this, I think. I don't really know what the official app store updates do.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 91

    Level 3

    edited January 2024

    I cannot say 100% for sure on Sam's Streak but it seems to pop up around 200ish. It might be the next time you open the app after 200 or the next day. This most recent start it actually took one close and open after playing an episode, likely only needed to be a level, for the win streak to update once Sam's showed up.

    Candy Royal on the other hand triggers right after 500.

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