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💬 Feedback on Pre-Game Boosters being Pre-Selected ✅



  • maf34100
    maf34100 Posts: 58,203
    Not a fan. Prefer to choose boosters for each game


  • Mixed feelings. Sometimes useful, sometimes limiting

    It's useful for players who speed crush an entire episode, have lots of boosters and if you are in a leaderboard competition where you would always choose pre level boosters having them automatic speeds the game up, which is a benefit.

    It is bad for inexperienced and casual players who would be better off saving up their boosters for when they are really needed, such as to pass hard levels. If pre level boosters are automatically ticked and have to be actively unticked players may accidentally waste precious boosters on easy levels. Not good!

  • Not a fan. Prefer to choose boosters for each game

    Voted - I would like the option to be able to choose a booster once the game has started and not before 😊

  • MollyS
    MollyS Posts: 7,399
    Not a fan. Prefer to choose boosters for each game

    I would prefer to select my boosters at the start of each level. The pre-selection makes it too easy to use boosters when not intended

  • Love it! It simplifies the game setup

    Hi @QueenB I really love how it is set up but sometimes I do forget to click off the booster and I end up using it anyways which is fine because it does help to win the level.

    I would absolutely love to have the watch a ad option. I don't have any of these options in any of my games and it makes it hard especially where I'm in higher levels. Is there anyway you can help me to get the watch a ad option my game ID is under my signature ❤️

  • CassD
    CassD Posts: 18,516
    Not a fan. Prefer to choose boosters for each game

    I prefer to choose my boosters for each level I play and don't like them being preset at all.

  • Kerrie
    Kerrie Posts: 3,279
    It's okay, but more customisation would be great

    I know it's done this way on purpose but...since coconut wheels are given out as prizes so often I'd like to be able to use them. It would be nice if we could use them when we wanted to instead of only on preselected levels.

    Give us a selection of boosters we can choose to win as prizes. If I could choose the booster I wanted to win I would play more. I have 1,950 Coconut wheels and wish I had a chance to use them or trade them in for a booster I can actually use.

  • Mixed feelings. Sometimes useful, sometimes limiting

    it would be nice if a booster is going to create an oops level that the boosters are not allowed.

  • shell1984
    shell1984 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Not a fan. Prefer to choose boosters for each game

    Definitely want to beable to select boosters myself, I always select on a hard level then forget to deselect on the easy, its jarring.

  • johamilton
    johamilton Posts: 27,669
    Not a fan. Prefer to choose boosters for each game

    Voted, I like to make my own decision because I forget to uncheck things and then I see my boosters are being used up

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?