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Level 1517 is unbeatable for me!

Level_129 Posts: 19

Level 2

Hello, I can't beat level 1517 at all! Like last time i complained about hard levels, I filmed myself losing this level.

So, I'll list the reasons why I fail:

  1. You have to clean up most of the board with just 18 moves to have a slim victory.
  2. I, once again, have no boosters.
  3. 5 colors make it very hard to make specials.
  4. You need specials to remove the licorice shell and you have 18 moves!
  5. I read that this level was once easy and fun. It's quite the opposite for me.
  6. You have to collect a mountian of frosting & the licorice shell to beat this.

Can anyone help me beat this level?


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,104
    edited March 2024

    Whilst watching your video I note that although you have hints switched on you chose to carry out a different move than the one the game suggested. What I have found, again and again, is that IF there is any chance of a lucky board that will help you pass a hard level like this then choosing the first move the game suggests might trigger it. I usually play the first two moves as suggested and then check if any opportunities to create special candies or combos open up. If they do you might have a lucky board, if they don't you probably will fail. The gameboards are fixed like this, so that is what I would recommend. Eventually you should get a lucky board. Sometimes playing pre level starting boosters will trigger a lucky board as well.

  • Level_129
    Level_129 Posts: 19

    Level 2

    I passed this level, now I'm stuck on level 1526. The best I got on level 1526 was 1 jelly left.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,104

    That happens a lot! And it is deliberate by the level designers to encourage you to use up your boosters and buy their offers. The algorithm is set to leave players one move or one order short on certain attempts. I find that the only way to enjoy this game is to go with the way the levels are designed. If you are just one lollipop short, use one to pass, because if you don't you will be stuck on that level for a long time. Use the events that allow you to gain boosters by replaying older levels, then save up the boosters for occasions such as this. Many levels leave you a lollipop short. I spend gold bars to buy lollipops so that I can pass those levels. If you are out of gold and boosters then think about taking a two week break from the game. Sometimes they will then lure you back with easy boards and extra moves after an absence.

  • Level_129
    Level_129 Posts: 19

    Level 2

    That attempt was wasted because I used a booster at the wrong time and because when I started playing, I wasted boosters on litterally all levels.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?