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free boosters

tpaul Posts: 5

Level 2

I used to be able to watch ads to get free boosters. I am unable to get them anymore in the events section. This happened right after I purchased boosters for the first time,

I read that once you purchase boosters they eliminate the free boosters


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 160,050

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Thank you for the feedback. The video ad feature as all ads and promotional features is still a test feature in the game, which means that some of you can get Lives, while others can get Boosters or other items from this feature.

    This also means that the video ads will not always be available and not found in all player's games or on all devices.

    So if you at the moment are missing the ads in your game, just stay tuned and keep an eye in the game to see when the ads are back.

    For more Info Here

  • tpaul
    tpaul Posts: 5

    Level 2

    I was able to view ads in the events link. As soon as I purchased boosters the link disapeared. It's the one where you can watch nine ads to win 5 boosters.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,147

    Hello @tpaul🤗 A Warm Welcome to our sweet King Community!

    The feature you are talking about with nine Ads and 5 boosters is -- do you remove a candy wrapper and then the booster appears? OR you dig an area and a booster pops up?

  • tpaul
    tpaul Posts: 5

    Level 2

    It was called sweet cinema. There are 9 candy wrappers and 5 boosters

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,147

    Sorry! I was wondering if you remember the name or not! That's why, I was explaining it😅

    I don't think that you purchasing items in the game has anything to do with losing Sweet Cinema feature!! I am wondering may be a different feature called "Treasure Hunt" is on it's way to your game!!

    When did you lose Sweet Cinema? If you do not receive any new feature for about 2 weeks, please come back and let us know!

    Oh!! Please make sure that you update the App as soon as the latest version is available in your App Store / Play Store! That will make smooth transition of the new feature👍️

  • tpaul
    tpaul Posts: 5

    Level 2

    The reason I thought that I lost sweet cinema due to purchasing boosters is because if you go online that seems to be what happened to a lot of players. Many complain about the same thing happening to them after they purchased boosters. I don't have a treasure hunt feature. Just updated and still no sweet cinema. Very disappointed and don't have the desire to play anymore

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,147

    Hi Paul 🙋‍♀️ Good Morning!

    No! The Ads that players complain are the ones we receive at the “end” of the levels - to receive extra moves or extra life, etc., And, this Ads is a test feature which some players have and some players don’t! And, nobody k owns who will receive it & when it will be received either!

    Please don’t be discouraged! If you stop playing (be inactive), you will have less chances to receive the new features!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?