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playing offline - why wouldn’t King consider this cheating in All Stars

rjXgray Posts: 52

Level 3

How would someone play offline than come in to take over the leaderboard at the last second?

  1. I’m not asking so I can do it ..frankly I wouldn't feel like I accomplished anything by doing this that way - it feels like I would be cheating .
    - I am just trying to learn more about strategies others use : good and bad
    - and I want to prepare myself for anything that can knock me out

What are your opinions ?




  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,151

    The Terms and Conditions do state that offline play happens. They have specifically put this mention in here:

    5.4. Participants: You acknowledge that Participants in the game may: (i) be at varying skill levels, including advanced and beginner players; (ii) have different features, in-game items, and/or game modes available depending on progression in CCS; (iii) choose to play offline and submit their scores at different times during each Stage. You also acknowledge that the Tournament is open to all eligible players and the number of Participants advancing to various stages throughout the Tournament will vary and may exceed the number of players in your Tournament Leaderboard. Participants will not know the total number of players in the Tournament during Stages 1 – 6.

    Players using the offline strategy won't really show up at the moment because it's still quite easy to pass on to the next round just by normal play. But by Stage 4 we can expect to get a lot of complaints from players about impossible scores popping up all of a sudden and claims of cheating like we saw in this community in 2023. King have made it clear in the above quote that offline play is not considered cheating.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,658
    edited April 2024

    playing offline - why wouldn’t King consider this cheating in All Stars.

    King wouldn't consider playing offline cheating @rjXgray because they list playing offline as an advantage of playing Candy Crush. Playing offline is helpful for a lot of people as not everyone plays in their own house all of the time. Also I would guess that playing offline goes back to a time when broadband was not as fast or as cheap as it is now, so King providing offline play was considered a good thing.

    What are your opinions ?

    Playing offline isn't cheating. Your score isn't affected by another player, so if a player beats your score by playing offline they have done so legitimately. Playing offline is a strategy not cheating.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 91

    Level 3

    My main concern about offline play is how much of the code is just plain old json.

    I know that you in theory can modify the number of boosters you have, I am not sure if you can tweak results for level.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?