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WildMango Posts: 1

Level 1

Does anything know how many leaderboards there will be in the final knockouts?



  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,665

    Why do you need to know @WildMango

    All that you need to do is finish first on your leaderboard, so the quantity of other leaderboards will not affect you.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,180

    By my maths in the first round of the final knockouts there ought to be 25,000 leaderboards, that is assuming there will be 50 players in each of the 500 leaderboards in round 2 and 50 in each of the 10 leaderboards in round 3.

  • rjXgray
    rjXgray Posts: 52

    Level 3

    hi @christinewupp im only seeing 10 people on my leader boards for the qualifying, the first knockout and now the 2nd . Are they just showing the ten players at the top?

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,180

    Hello again @rjXgray I hope you are keeping well.

    I too was surprised to see only 10 players per leaderboard. I was expecting a proper knockout round with a limited number of leaderboards for this one, but it is not. It is another round like the previous ones up to now: Every player is randomly assigned to a leaderboard of 10 other players who start playing the competition round at that same moment. So actually that makes this 2nd knockout round easier than I had expected, because the 10 players you see are all the opposition you will get. You can tell this by the fact that the ten names do not change, so there is no one hiding behind ready to overtake. If you are way out on top there will be in a good position. You can see all ten player cards. Though these are not up to date, they give some idea of which levels the others are playing and how many levels they crushed last week. I think in this round we are playing now you won't have to worry about offline players or cheaters coming from behind. That will be happening in the next round next weekend.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,180
    edited April 2024

    So to explain a bit clearer:

    There are two types of leaderboard competitions King run.

    Type 1

    is usually seen in the first rounds of any leaderboard competition. Each player is grouped with random players starting to play the competition at the same time. The number of players may be between 10 or 50. Each time a leaderboard is filled the next players are then added to a new leaderboard of 10 or 50. There are essentially an infinite number of leaderboards because King do not know how many players will be playing the competition at the start.

    Many experienced players choose to join the event late, because then they will be grouped with other latecomers. That is why winning scores posted in the community range from the 10,000s to over a million. The later groups were only competing for one day, the earlier groups were competing for three or more days.

    Type 2

    These are the real knockout leaderboards that reduce the field of millions to a set number of eventual winners. Type 2 Leaderboards are LIMITED. Each player starting to play will start one of these leaderboards and when the set number of leaderboards is reached new players will be added to the existing leaderboards. This means that if you are waiting to start late you will find that the leaders are already way ahead of you. The number of players on such a leaderboard may be huge. I have seen up to 100.

    What this means for All Stars 2024:

    The rounds so far have all been type 1. This is quite easy going and enjoyable play, especially since the leaderboards have been of only 10 players, which is a lot fewer than in many of the other competitions King have run during last year. The eventual 10 winners will all probably have joined their groups late and crushed for an hour or two and then rested ready for the next round. If the aim is to have fun, Type 1 leaderboards are great.

    If the aim is to win the competition, you sit back and wait until Type 2 leaderboards come into play. This is why we haven't even seen any evidence of cheating or scores in the millions yet: There have not been any type 2 leaderboards yet. In these you have to start crushing early, for if you don't you might be grouped with others who are already way ahead. It will not just be cheaters who will come to overtake you from behind. Many honest expert players who can crush an episode in 20 minutes will only appear in the competiton now, they have been taking it slowly in the first three rounds. You have to bear this competition in mind even if you are way ahead. Someone down there may be a better and faster player than you and ready to pounce and overtake you from behind.

    As there will only be 10 winners and three more rounds to go after this one I expect the difference between the three rounds we have played so far and the next three rounds to be huge. The enormous field will have to be reduced from millions to 10 groups.

    This is my maths on this:

    If there will be 50 players in those final ten groups like there were last year, and 50 players in the 500 groups in the second to last round, then all the top 3 players in those countless leaderboards currently playing, plus anyone yet to play in the final "second chance" rounds will be spread across 25,000 leaderboards in the next round. I am very curious to see how this will play out!

  • rjXgray
    rjXgray Posts: 52

    Level 3

    Im starting to get really uneasy about all the threads talking about people coming in at the last minute who have cheated . I don’t understand d how you could cheat (and don’t want to know). But more importantly it seems that King could track that . But I’m surprised every day at how little I know about 5his game.

    I’m glad I found this Forum though . You have been immensely generous sharing information with me l

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,180

    Don't worry about cheaters but worry about honest players who are better than you. I explained in my previous post why we have not seen much of them yet. King may have devised a method to eliminate cheaters since All Stars 2023, so let's trust them for now and wait and see if this year's competition turns out fairer than last year.

    But there are honest players who have so far been taking it really easy and who are very, very fast and good at this game. Myself included. I have 15,000 gold bars in my account to buy boosters with. You know that boosters will help you win levels and crush quickly enough to get a good score. You have been posting about this yourself. You are obviously a good player who can crush this. But it does worry me that you have been spending money on this competition. Please make sure you set a budget you are comfortable with and then don't exceed it. Candy Crush is supposed to be fun. If you find this game causes you stress, please stop.

  • rjXgray
    rjXgray Posts: 52

    Level 3

    I stoped buying boosts today for most of the day . I finish the levels in about 2-5 moves. I had been staying in to get more purple candies and I would wait until my timer counted all the way to zero while it randomly shuffled candies and blew things up after I won the level because if I waited I often got sugar stars during that time , if I hadn’t earned them in the game. My purple candy score would be much lower if I just played to win quickly and went straight to the next level when it gave me the option to tap and skip .But I can do that without boosters (except on an occasional very hard level) . I did an episode just now to get pictures for the hard level quest that’s going on and I wasn’t paying any attention to anything other than finishing the episode quickly (because I’m tired and going to play chess for a bit).

    But it took me 7 minutes . But It might have been really easy ones (I only know how to play new levels and I really don’t want to go backwards ) so it was 2151-2165 ( I think ..,I just remember it started with 2151).

    From everything I’ve read I fully expect to be obliterated in the final 3 rounds if I even keep playing . I’m not spending much anymore . That’s why I’m flying through levels but not earning the 3k+ per on each level like I had been. Now I finish with at least half of my trys left but I only earn like 1,800k purple candies. But I finish really fast. And no boosters (YAY)

    I do like using one trick —I feel like it ups my game . I didn’t use it today to avoid boosters but I’ll use it if I think it helps. When I’ve already played the game down to 1 neededpeice..and I have 1/2 of my moves left I make a truffle bomb (not sure you call it that ..but it’s the round brown chocolate with sprinkles) I get it next to a purple; than I paint stripes on the purple before touching the two. All of thempurples on the board become striped …it wreaks havoc on the board and I can see the difference between when I do it and when I don’t in my purples earned . It’s significant .l.but I have to use a paint brush boost and it takes more time .so I guess I shouldn’t do it.

    and I’m sure you already knew that trick …here I am feeling like I found something cool and different and probably everyone has been doing that for years, lol.

    Have a good night. The kids are having a sleepover so I’m up for a bit . But no more crushing tonight - 🙏

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,180

    Well done and enjoy your rest with the family. Those things you mention are called colour bombs!

  • cookiemae
    cookiemae Posts: 1,263
    edited April 2024

    @christinewupp Yup you are so right. This is exactly how I and many other honest players play. Great explanation and on point. It is also very important the winners must be able to travel with all the necessary documents.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?