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✨FINISHED: Month 2 Quest 4- Grow a Frog to win Gold or even UFOs🎉

bearwithme Posts: 16,948
edited November 2024 in Contests

Hello Candy Crushers!

Are you ready for the 4th and last quest for Month 2 in Candy Crush Saga?

Ready to win some Gold Bars or maybe even some UFOs?

For the last quest for this month – all you need to do is grow one frog!


1.Take and post a screenshot of your game showing a frog .

2. On the same level, take a second screenshot showing you have fully grown your frog (when he is fat and before you have placed him to destroy candies)

3. No old screenshots please

.For any players who are not yet at a frog level -

You need to play an order level where striped candies are one of the orders and collect a total of 50 striped candies.


  1. You must post a screenshot at the beginning of the level to show how many striped candies you need to collect.
  2. You must post a second screenshot showing you have won the level (the number of stars doesn't matter).
  3. You cannot play a level more than once.
  4. No old screenshots please


Any player who posts the required screenshots will be eligible to be selected as one of the 5 players to get 30 Gold Bars in their Candy Crush Saga Game!

As a special reward for the last quest for Month 2 – the 3 players who grow the most frogs will be awarded 2 UFOs each and the top two players who collect the most striped candies from order levels will win 2 UFOs each.

  • You may grow the frog more than once on the same level, but your screenshots must clearly show the frog has been grown again (different placement on the board/different color)
  • You must again post two screenshots for each frog (once before he has grown and once after)
  • You may post screenshots from up to 6 different levels
  • For players who aren't at the frog levels yet - you may play as many order levels where you need to collect stripe candies, as you want.
  • Only players who aren't high enough in the game to collect frogs are eligible to collect striped candies instead.

👉Special Badge: At the end of this last quest for Month 2 - all players who have successfully completed all 4 quests will be awarded this special badge:


This contest will end at 12:00 EDT/18:00 CET 1 May 2024

Good luck everyone and have lots of fun!



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