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Is this tournament rigged?


I strongly feel that thistournament is rigged? Am I the only one who feels this way? I am in the second round of the final knockouts. I was doing well in previous rounds. Now it just seems like it's totally setup. Just started today and someone already has over 700000? How in the world? I just don't know if it's just me.



  • Pyrolight
    Pyrolight Posts: 884 Level 3
    edited April 24

    Well they should not have 700K instantly, but after 3-4 hours in that is reasonable.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,988 Legend

    Doing well in the previous rounds, yes, that is the psychological trick of this event that King are playing with you all and that I've been trying to warn against all week. The previous rounds were set up so that a lot of players would get through, small leaderboards with only 10 players etc making everyone think they stood a chance of winning and thinking you were almost there…. All the while those top players who knew how the event works have been sitting back and hardly done any crushing at all in any of the previous rounds. Why? Because anyone joining a previous round late, like on the last day, got easy opposition in a fresh leaderboard made out of other players joining the round late, and win that round easily. It is only now that all these professional players are coming out of the woodworks. And there are 49 of them on the same leaderboard as you. Don't lose sleep trying to keep up. Don't waste money. Don't kill yourself. It's not worth it.

  • cidacorreia
    cidacorreia Posts: 36 Level 2
    edited April 25

    *Edited by CM: Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules 

  • Sidewinder107
    Sidewinder107 Posts: 13 Level 2

    People are fools if they think it isn't rigged. It's not all about collecting purple stars. I have been playing games for years and anyone who knows most online gaming is about winning streaks and if you can keep that winning streak going you automatically play better like you are unstoppable even though in reality you are not playing any better. Its just giving you the upper hand. One thing I noticed during this tournament is playing the very hard levels become easier on a winning streak. And then out of no where a very easy level would stop me dead in my tracks and not let me pass it without using boosters. And, guess what happens then since you used some boosters the game becomes even harder all of a sudden and it wants you to use more boosters. Wonder why that is lol, because alot of people will start dropping real cash for boosters if they don't have any saved up. Then after awhile it will go back to normal. Also if you loose on a level and then play that level again and loose it just keeps getting harder because why? you guessed it, it wants you to use boosters or buy play time when your out of your 5 little hearts . Anyone who plays this game for fun should already know this. Don't believe me?! Next time you get stuck on a level that seems very hard, don't play for a few days. Then come back and that level will be alot easier to pass and you will be like how did that just happen. Also, don't you find it interesting that you loose a level and can watch a few ads and seem to get just about the right amount of moves to finish it and move on lol. These kind of games are all about making money because if they ain't making money they can't keep investing more into the game.There is nothing wrong with spending alittle money on this game as thats what keeps the game alive. Just don't go crazy spending money you don't have trying to win a trip to Cali as your going to be let down.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,988 Legend
    edited April 25

    Of course Candy Crush is rigged @Sidewinder107 I have spent the last twelve months analysing the game and posting here in the community about how the game is manipulated by King. It's always been rigged, but this has become much more obvious since All Stars 2023. Nothing is random in Candy Crush Saga! Every level is controlled by King. Every event is controlled by King. Any player who truly understands how the game is manipulated stands a better chance of winning All Stars than new players who don't fully understand the algorithms.

    Players who understand the algorithms will win All Stars.

    Players who are new to Candy Crush, or naive, or not very good at understanding maths, will fund the $1 million prize pot by spending money thinking they stand a chance of winning! That is the concept of All Stars.

  • Sidewinder107
    Sidewinder107 Posts: 13 Level 2

    I question the whole event. Just look at some peoples final results from the first knockout. The proof is there that something is not right. I went head to head for 19 hours straight with the top spot on my leader board not eating resting or anything. How is it possible that we have the same score within a few thousand stars the whole time. There is no way me and another person can play 19 hours straight on different levels and have pretty much the same score at the end. We both where constantly playing at the same speed. There is just no way. Even if it was possible how did we end up in the same leader board of 20 people. Since this whole event started I went through over 2000 levels just to get gold bars for boosters and play time if I needed it. I know you get 30x stars by playing new levels. But I do wonder now if I would have got more stars by playing one of those super levels I call them constantly that have super amounts of stars. Since alot of my new levels didn't have stars the hourly rate may have been better just to play those levels over and over. I was writing down levels that where easy with massive amounts of stars in them to try, but I never did it. But I do feel like the whole thing is a scam to make money and the people that will be in the final are already picked and it's just to put on a show at the end.

  • wwanda
    wwanda Posts: 1 Newbie

    I really think so also , last year was also a scam and now it seemed to go ok until the second rond. People had over a Million points in 2 hours!

  • Pyrolight
    Pyrolight Posts: 884 Level 3

    500K per hour? I find that claim a bit suspect. I can see it being done in 4-5 hours, but 2 seems a little hyperbolic.

  • cidacorreia
    cidacorreia Posts: 36 Level 2
    edited April 26

    Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand! Check out our House Rules!

  • Gadgetgal
    Gadgetgal Posts: 9 Level 2

    I have had the exact same experience.

    The leader on my board achieved over 2 million points in 6 hours. Level 9000. Is that even possible. I've played non stop except for 5 hours and have only 750k points.

    In the earlier rounds, I could hit over 1 million points in about 24 hours.

    I'm at level 16200. Do lower levels get more points for purple stars?

    Does anyone know how many points you earn per purple star on the different levels

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?