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Gold compensation for the forums regulars

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 91

Level 3

King needs to give us some compensation for this years All Stars

  1. 2000 gold for overtime
  2. 2000 gold for pain and suffering
  3. 5000 gold for the relative cost of counselling
  4. 11500 gold for repetitive strain injuries typing out, "do not use the player card" and "open app, play an old level and then a new level"
  5. 2000 gold for picking up the slack for the mods
  6. 3000 gold for the repeated head injuries from slamming it onto a desk

This is mostly just tongue in cheek and aimed at King, their mess in the end, not other players.


  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,593
    edited April 2024

    King needs to give us some compensation for this years All Stars

    Oh no all the constant moaning about cheaters must have got to you and now you sound like one of the moaners.

    'King you owe me because you rubbish at yo job'

    * Laughing emoji implied but not used *

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 91

    Level 3

    Just wait. My next ask is the "I survived All-Stars 2024" forum badge.

  • IBzeebee3
    IBzeebee3 Posts: 10

    Level 2

    I hear you ! You deserve something for trying to deal with wild accusations, and repetitive panicked questions alone. I'm a newbie with a 1000 badge that managed to compete pretty respectably in the 2nd round final [ final final ;) ] until a day ago when in a moment of exhausted clarity I realized that the leaders pace put them at about 7 mil by end of round. And not a fluke because the one in second may reach 6 mil. I MIGHT have made 3 or 4 with no sleep and spending a fortune. I have a hard time mentally processing that pace. WOW IMPRESSIVE !!!

    I see quite a few people on here moaning about cheaters

    Personally I think there are some insanely good players and maybe a few trying to cheat ( there's money involved's a given).

    From a place of greater insight now …having been in the race...this would be my advice to newbies.

    1. If you don't want to spend money...don't expect to win. Save your gold for next year.
    2. You might be good... even great at the game but there are people who were great when they started and THEY have years of practice.
    3. Don't cancel dental appointments to play( like I did) .The game will end and your tooth will still hurt. Or worse skip work( I have seen several people saying that) . If your mega rich…I guess...go ahead ...skip if you want.

    --------------- If you DO deside to try to crush your way to fame---------------

    1. set a predetermined spending limit and stick to it. After many hours of straight crushing..when your tired, frustrated , out of lives and suddenly stuck on a nightmare with easy levels coming up. Your brain will tell you $ 99. is the best deal . I stuck to my limit but it wasn't easy to fight the game brain.
    2. Make yourself take an occasional break and do something physical. Otherwise after 12 hours you will catch yourself randomly matching candy without having looked at the actual level GOAL.
    3. Don't ignore basic needs for food,water and sleep. Oh and say a few kind words to the people you live with.

    I could go on ( and on...I'm a writer…that's what I do). My point is this. It's a's a contest with some people who may be( if you are new... most likely are)better then you and your chances of winning are miniscule. Probably not going to pay your mortgage, kids college, vet bills or save you from an eviction.Be realistic about your ability and chances. If you choose..crush away and try to have some fun doing it. It is... in the end… just a game.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,593

    Erm to quote someone you know very well @Pyrolight

    Badges? We don't need no stinking badges!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?