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Level changed on Candy Crush? Different number of moves or seeing the same level twice?



  • Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Miriam_ said:

    Thanks for the post QueenMia. I think our frustrations come from the constant explanation of King trying to “enhance” our playing experience. But seriously, how can any reasonable person think that reducing the number of moves in a level by half (or sometimes more!) is a good idea & enhances anything?

    The game is nothing like what it originally was. We have frequent glitches to deal with. Boosters are now required to pass levels. You introduce a new concept like the buddy challenge which violates our privacy. No wonder we’re angry.

    I don’t expect to pass every level on the first try. I like being challenged. You mention good luck & a clear strategy - well, the game is now nothing but luck, waiting for the “lucky board”. There is no longer any strategy to the game other than use your space dash/helmet or your own boosters & keep resetting until they’re beside each other to start the level. Go back to the really early levels & replay them & see the difference. They don’t require boosters, they’re not over in 13 moves, & you can actually strategize . In other words they were fun.

    My biggest personal annoyance with the game is the fact that colour bombs still explode when they shouldn’t. This glitch has been around for months; I read here that it was fixed but it isn’t. You can’t plan a strategy when the colour bomb you want to use goes off for no reason. It appears they have no intention of fixing it.

    Sorry for the long reply but as a faithful player of many years I’m very disappointed in what has become of one of my favourite games.

    I totally agree with you. It's the reason I finally quit playing CC after years. They killed all the fun of playing!!
    YOUR 100% DEAD ON!! It’s all just to scam more $$ out of us now. Like you said too, the bombs triggering when they shouldn’t be, yet not working when they should be, cutting moves/“turns” by 1/2+, now requiring boosters (therefor requiring $$), and no end to this in sight reminds me why I quit playing. We’re all just a joke to @King
  • Posts: 1

    Level 1

    it’s the same for me! It’s impossible to pass this level with only 12 moves!!!
    the app guarantees that all levels can be passed without a purchase, but it may be a lie! Very frustrating!!
  • Posts: 3

    Level 1

    mcaksala said:

    Hi all and thanks for posting.

    Please note that there are no glitch. The reason that the moves are different is explained in my first comment: Our game studio is constantly adapting levels difficulty and testing features. This means it is possible that there are minor variations (including the number of moves) to that of someone else who plays, or perhaps on an existing video on YouTube. 

    I hope this makes sense!

    Happy crushing everyone :)

    If you are going to change the rules, ie. number of moves etc to complete a level do it on a select few who "volunteer". Not we who play day in and day out and enjoy the game and the challenge. Don't make it nigh onto impossible to complete a level. I'm on 2005 with only 12 moves on a Hard Level... excuse me? Get a grip !

    I am new and as of today i am still only getting 12 moves so yes there is a problem

  • Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I am new and as of today i am still only getting 12 moves so yes there is a problem
  • Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited January 2019
    This level cannot be completed without at least 1 booster - PERIOD!!
  • Posts: 19

    Level 2

    this game and all saga games like CC are now all about money and thats so SAD. some people and kids dont have money to spend on games so i guess saga dont care i say stop playing is the only way to get them to fix this 
  • Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Hi, I also have the same problem - 12 moves instead 40. Please #help
  • Posts: 4

    Level 1

    No wonder I've felt like this game is so impossible, there's been many levels with very few moves😓😵
  • Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Well now I know why all of a sudden I couldn't beat any levels. I'M only at level 263 guys, this sucks ugh, at least most of you are in the 1000 to 2000 levels ugh... So not fair!!!!!!!
  • Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I am a youtuber. In August 2018, I began receiving requests to update various levels. I faced two problems: 1. There were hundreds of levels buffed, so I wouldn’t have time to help everyone who asked. 2. They were not buffed for me...this change only affected a test group, albeit a fairly large test group.

    Take 511, for instance. My latest video shows 45 moves, but other folks have 12 moves. That is a 73% decrease in the number of moves, presumably to complete the exact same mission—although I’m not certain the mission is the same since I cannot see any changes. 73% reduction?!? For a level in the 500s, where people are still relatively new to the strategies?!? Your standard line when people complain is that folks need to look for the most recent videos. The problem is that I cannot publish videos for requirements I do not have. I know why you do this; you are trying to get more people to buy more boosters. And that makes sense for your business model. The problem is that when you push people too far, they will just abandon the game altogether. And that makes no sense for your bottom line. PLEASE remove the test group and return the levels to their previous number of turns for all, as soon as possible.


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