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Commercials not working, goes to black screen

Lawgirlwalden Posts: 1 Newbie

How come all of the sudden when you have to watch the commercials to gain the extra help in the game, the screen goes black? And even if you wait a full minute before you click on the "x", to get to the game, it gives you the option to "resume", or leave the screen. If you leave the screen, you do not get the extra help for the game, but if you hit "resume", it goes right back to a black screen. This has been happening to me for 3 days now. I've lost out on a lot of help. How can this be resolved, and I feel like I should be given some candy that I've lost out on in 3 days, to help my game... Thanks


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 148,441 Candy Moderator

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Thank you for the reporting ,I will pass this to the game team . In the meantime please force close the Apps and Log in again

  • TerminatorBarbie
    TerminatorBarbie Posts: 31 Level 2

    I had the same experience for a week.

    I believe what was at the root of my problem was that I was out of space on my phone.

    I know that seems weird, but within an hour of fixing my space issue "most" (not all) of the problems were able to be resolved.

    I was getting a notice every time I opened the CCS app telling my I needed to update if I wanted to be in the tournament.

    I didn't want anything to do with the tournament after what I experienced/ witnessed during the 2023 tournaments.

    Once the tournament was over/too late for me to get stuck in it, I did the update.

    As soon as the update was completed I started having the issues with end of game bonus chances/commercials.

    I couldn't share lives.

    Like you I got a black screen at the end of the game when we're notmally offered the ability to watch commercials for bonuses like UOF's / Sparkle balls.

    What has definitely changed is that I am no longer offered those bonuses, only extra moves.

    It does me no good to watch the commercials for extra moves unless I'm only one or two moves away from the win "and can see the winning moves prior to watching 3 commercials.

    Yesterday I was one move away from the win. I watched the 3 commercials, and still couldn't complete the level.

    I didn't mind watching commercials in order to level up, but when I'm 1 move away, watched 3 commercials,and still can't complete the finalove/level up I was furious!

    I've given up on commercials.

    I'm not even watching the pre game commercials, there's no point in my opinion because the game keeps you locked in for 100's of plays on every level.

    I don't mind the game making money off of my viewing the commercials "if it's symbiotic, meaning they get something and I get something too".

    When I sit here watching 30, 50,75 commercials and am still stuck on the same level I feel consumed with anger & resentment. Not good feelings to have.

    I've had to let go of wanting to level up, and now just try to enjoy the ability to zone out and just play.

    No longer watching commercials has freed up my time.

    This entire scenario gave me the chance to self reflect about the amount of time I was spending on CCS and the physical reactions I was having to the hiccups and changes to the game,none of it was good.

    I'm cool with playing my 20 rounds and sharing lives with other players, spending the extra time reading the Bible.

    I pray your problems get resolved quickly. Hang in there.🤗

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