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[HELP!!] All Stars

davidolsson1995 Posts: 7

Level 2

Im playing the All Stars tournament and i suspect that im competeing against a bot. Currently we are playing in the Finals knockouts round 2 that ends on Saturday april 27th. Im currently number 1 in my group but the 2nd place player has played the same level non stop since round 2 started.

I have invested a lot of my time and money in this becuase i want to compete but i dont want to lose to a bot..

I have sent an email to customer support but im not sure if they will be able to do anything in time.

My name in the game is "david" from Sweden and im currently position 1 in my group. The second player (the bot) is called "mary" and is from the USA.

The bot is always playing on the same level 3093 and has been since the start of the round we are currently playing.

This message is simply and attempt to get this player removed from the group (if verified to be a bot by kings team).

I also have a second concern. According to the terms for this tournament you will be getting a pop up notification in the game with a form that you must fill out before 09:00AM EDT 28th April 2024. As of writing this message it is 2024-04-26 and i have still not recieved this pop up notification although i meet the requierments to participate. What can i do about this?

If i could get any assitance with these two topics i would highly appriciate it!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 91

    Level 3

    edited April 2024

    Do not use their player card to judge the level they are on. What you see on their card is not remotely accurate.

    Quite literally if they stopped playing right at this moment, you would, in a day, a week or maybe the heat death of the universe, see accurate levels played and such on their card.

    Even on your own player card you can see hilarious discrepancies at times. It is a terrible feature and only useful to be able to say someone was on x level at some point in the last y time period.

  • Wookthewookster
    Wookthewookster Posts: 16

    Level 2

    So you figured that all out at level 3? Def bots and no way can anything rack rack up those points in a fourth of a time against real player doing well. They are scamming customers.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,024

    I'm on level 5 and would say exactly the same that @Pyrolight told you. We are right. Do not use the player cards! There were also posts from one of the moderators here recently telling you exactly the same as well, so it is official: The player cards tell you nothing of use to spot cheaters. They run behind time. Only the leaderboards are updated live.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618

    Hello @davidolsson1995 I have already answered you in your other thread on the same subject, but it bears repeating here

    Hello @davidolsson1995 I am so glad you have posted because you are also being accused of being a cheater. What do you think about that?

    You are obviously not a cheater, but the person you are accusing and the person accusing you just don't seem to be understanding the message that has been stated time and time again.


  • CashMcMoney
    CashMcMoney Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Hi, I also have the same concern as players I've been going against also have been displaying third-party software to further their position in the tournament. I am also in Round 2 of the knockouts and I also have invested significant time and money into this. The top two players haven't taken breaks and appear to be in contravention of rules 4.6 of the terms and conditions

  • candandy
    candandy Posts: 17

    Level 2

    Crasy! Because the app and facebook wasn't saved my progress!! I was in 2nd place in star alls, semifinal, simply the support can't recover my participation!! Angry!! Their app and support is weak and full of fails and errors!!!

  • toon_ada
    toon_ada Posts: 172

    let’s face it, it’s all one big con. I managed to get through the first knockout round I get in just over 1 million points. Then the second round came and after an hour of it opening I was up against two people over 1.5 million points. What is the point of competing against bots.

    It’s clear that are aware of this. I complained on this forum and was told that nobody from King actually look after this form. And then when I went back on my game, the tournament was gone. When it was really supposed to run until Saturday.

    Absolute amateurs.

  • davidolsson1995
    davidolsson1995 Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Hi everyone, thanks for the answers in the thread. Im glad you shared this knowledge with me. Ill keep my head down and just keep playing :D

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?