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Bots, legal action, etc.

TurboKo Posts: 3 Newbie
  1. Its highly likely that King inserts competitive bots to push people to spend more to secure a win. If their bots "win" it would be a certain case for fraudulence.
  2. Does King care about "cheaters". Almost undoubtedly: NO!! King will profit a billion $$ during this tournament alone …. And give away a paltry $1 million in prize money.
  3. Many claim that you can not count on the stats on the players cards - that they are only updated from time-to-time. What kind of BS is this for a prize tournament ?? The cards cant be updated real-time ??? Seriously ?? This "fact" seems to be planted by King as an excuse that the cards can't be used as proof of cheating.
  4. The goal of the tournament is: King to make a huge profit.



  • Pyrolight
    Pyrolight Posts: 884 Level 3
    1. That is highly unlikely for more than a few legal reasons.
    2. Yes, as seen from last year they were removed before the live final.
    3. They can but King doesn't for a technical reason, data costs for mobile. Having to update a player card to the King servers every level would just add to the data used to play the game. That is also the reason most stuff, level updates, boosters, and so on are on the device not King's servers. Anyway you are incorrect in your assumption across the board here.
    4. Ya, this is why games have this kind of tournament. It is to make money directly from the tournament and indirectly from the added players overall. I am not sure why anyone would have even assumed otherwise.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,852 Legend
    edited April 29

    • 1.I wouldn't say highly likely @TurboKo, but at the same time King has used a bot player in the Weekly Contest so we know they are capable of doing this.

    The issue everyone has is that you need proof that this has occurred. Just saying that it has happened isn't proof.

    2.No they don't care about cheaters and the T&Cs shockingly state they they have no obligation or duty to do anything about cheaters

    4.6. Cheating: King strives to provide a fun and fair gaming experience for all. While King cannot undertake an obligation or duty to eliminate cheating entirely from the Tournament, King maintains a zero-tolerance policy against cheating. King may review Tournament play in an effort to ensure fair play and will actively remove players found violating these policies

    I realise this is nitpicking, but as King are paying for the travel and accommodation of ten (potentially twenty) people King is giving away more than a $1 million.

    3.The Player Cards are a red herring. Whether they are accurate or not does not matter. All that matters is the scores of the players that you are competing against

    4.Undoubtedly, the only surprising thing about this Tournament is that King aren't selling tickets to the final, so that they can make even more money.

  • Pyrolight
    Pyrolight Posts: 884 Level 3

    Undoubtedly, the only surprising thing about this Tournament is that King aren't selling tickets to the final, so that they can make even more money.

    Too many people would be able to see the numbered required and it would keep people from tossing money at them next year.

    Also… my God it would be boring to watch haha.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,852 Legend

    Plainly I need to use more laughing emoji in my posts @Pyrolight

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,914 Legend

    Sorry I haven't been around guys. I just came home last night and am not sure if I even want to read all the All Stars posts this year. It's such a déjà vue from last year. It went on and on last year until the actual finals in London and beyond. It's kind of a shame I didn't get to spend my 15,000 gold bars I had saved up for All Stars 2024. I hardly used any of them in those first 4 rounds I did play, since they were so easy to get through. What to do with 15,000 gold bars? Any idea?

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,852 Legend
    edited April 29

    Hi @christinewupp I hope you enjoyed your holiday. I would say there is no point in you reading all of the All Stars posts as most of them are just a repeat of last year. The only difference this year is all the complaints about bots.

    Aren't you tempted to leave the game with 15,000 gold bars until next years All Stars?

    Actually thinking about it the best thing to do with your 15,000 gold bars is to convert them into Party Boosters and UFO and then save them until the next All Stars

    It doesn't prove much as it is too isolated a case, but on the one level I used to a UFO (two actually, one free timed) I collected 14,000 purple candy (1min 50 secs) and on the one level I used a Party Booster I collected 16,000 purple candy.

    I averaged somewhere around 5000 and I had a low of 900.

  • Pyrolight
    Pyrolight Posts: 884 Level 3

    Ya avoid the All Stars stuff like the plague. At least nabbed some good data from winners results. Seems 4.5 to ~5 million is the winning range for the 3/3 knockout.

  • GiggzZz
    GiggzZz Posts: 20 Level 2

    Hello Alienscar!

    How do you count the purples playing levels outside the tournament? If you collected about 14.000 purple with UFO and 16.000 with party booster, you somehow have a way to count the candys when the level ends.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,852 Legend
    edited May 1

    Yes @GiggzZz all I did was continuously take screenshots before and after each level. I didn't count them outside of the Tournament though I counted them during the Tournament

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