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Envelope empty about a week or more

debtaya Posts: 11

Level 2

For the past week or more my envelope for lives has been empty. I have not received any lives or requests to send lives. This is unusual and sudden.

I checked today with a couple of players on my friends list and they are not having a problem. Also, they have not received any lives requests from me although I have sent many. And they have sent to me which I have not received. New friend requests have come through though.

The same issue is happening on all my devices: Android phone, Amazon Fire tablet, Windows 10 desktop and Windows 11 laptop. I have logged out and into the game and Facebook several times as well as uninstall and reinstall the game on 3 of the devices with no results.

What am I missing?



  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @debtaya🤗 A Warm Welcome to the King Community!

    I am sorry to hear that you are not receiving any lives in your game!

    Can you please try the steps & tips given in this Help Article (Click on the Green letters) —> Not receiving Lives from friends & other players

    If you have any other questions, you can type below🍫🍫

  • debtaya
    debtaya Posts: 11

    Level 2

    Thank you for your message. I had already looked at that article as well as many others following suggested fixes. I have sent and resent multiple times my requests as my friends have sent to me. I am not receiving their messages nor are they receiving mine. 😪

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Thank you for trying the tips in that article.

    Can you please check which version of the App you have on all your devices, including your Amazon Fire Tablet? (Please list them all).

    Thank you?

  • debtaya
    debtaya Posts: 11

    Level 2

    android and fire tablet - I play mostly on these devices

    Re desktop and laptop I access the game through FB.

  • debtaya
    debtaya Posts: 11

    Level 2


    Any ideas on how to resolve? All devices whether app or directly through FB.


  • debtaya
    debtaya Posts: 11

    Level 2

    Bump! Can someone help please?

  • Peaches12
    Peaches12 Posts: 310

    Not sure if this will help or not, but try sending both ways - click on the friend's avatar on the map and then click on send life, the other way is click on your avatar at the top, then click on your friend and then click send life. In both cases, wait until it shows life sent before going back to the map. You can also request a life using your friend's avatar.

  • debtaya
    debtaya Posts: 11

    Level 2

    Wow I didn't know about this feature. I just tried with 3 friends both send and request and will see what happens.


  • debtaya
    debtaya Posts: 11

    Level 2


    Any more ideas or suggestions please? Friends are still not receiving my request for lives or receiving lives sent through avatar.


  • Peaches12
    Peaches12 Posts: 310

    If that didn't work then try contacting support. Click the pink cog at the top of the game and then click the question mark at the bottom. Enter a topic and give them as many details as possible. Hopefully someone at King will get back to you and fix it.

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