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Rescue Yeti - New event?

christinewupp Posts: 6,873 Level 5

This has appeared in my game:

Anyone else has got this?

Nice graphics!



  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 14,186 Community Manager
    edited June 5

    You've spotted Rescue Yeti! This is part of the Bubblegum Volcano event and is currently being tested.

    Glad you enjoy the graphic 😃

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 35,846 Candy Moderator

    I saw a post on Facebook in one of my groups, Christine! I was wondering what it was!!

    Thanks a lot to your post! I now know what it is🤩

    As per that player's post, you will see Yeti in every 15th level! So, I am assuming you will see him again at 1835!!

    One question! Is this level a part of your regular map? Can you check some of the old levels and see if you see Yeti in those levels too?

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,873 Level 5
    edited June 6

    I will try to explain @PummyRaj

    As QueenB stated this is part of a bigger event, the Bubblegum volcano.

    I have just completed the event this morning. I think it runs over four episodes and each time the last level of that episode is replaced with a bubble gum level in which, as illustrated in my screenshots, we unwrap one of the trapped characters by clearing all the bubble gum in that level. There is no prize at the end of the first three episodes, just cute graphics. This in on my iPad. The iPhone has the normal levels, so play on that is different to my iPad. In the second episode we had to unwrap Nutcracker, in the third Mr Toffee. The final episode we unwrap the troll and so defeat him, and that is when we do get a prize.

    Now having completed the task I get this message:

    So even though the prize is rather disappointing it sets me up for better prizes in a silver and gold box. Hopefully in the gold box I might get a UFO? We'll see. If the test event doesn't disappear on me, that is. We don't actually "replay" the levels, the event just shows up again on my next episode, so I will keep going!

    If I scroll back during the event I am unable to press "play" for the previously played bubble gum levels. Now I have completed the event, if I scroll back I get the normal version of those last in episode levels, the same that I got on my iPhone. I hope this clarifies the event for you.

    My feedback would be that I really like the concept and the graphics, though I guess for most players the prize would be seen to be disappointing. A token booster at the end of each end of episode bubble gum level would have been nice. What really annoyed me @QueenB is the animations on episode 4. Each time I press "next" to play the next level I am catapulted to the end of that episode and shown lengthy animations of the volcano erupting before I can play the next level. This is tedious and perhaps could be shown just once if this event is to be rolled out to more players.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 35,846 Candy Moderator
    edited June 6

    Thanks a lot for taking time to explain the event to me, Christine 🤗 🙏🏼

    I do like the goodies you have received after beating Bubblegum Troll level! But, I am not fascinated with the rewards you will be receiving in Silver box!! Although a Free Switch booster has been added to the reward box, timer on the other boosters was reduced to 15 minutes!

    In my opinion, the timer should be 45 minutes on all those boosters + Lollipop & Free Switch as well, because the total number of episodes you have beaten are 8 by now, right? So, the prize should increase but not decrease!!

    If these are the prizes I will be receiving, I might not be much enthused to play this event in my game!!

  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,163 Level 5

    "I think it runs over four episodes"

    Not just a thought but is the case. The Events tab, when starting Volcanic Panic, indicates 0/60. Since 15 levels are in an episode, 60 / 15 = 4 episodes.

    That's for the first "tier" anyway. I was unaware there would be more; thanks for the tip.I agree with @PummyRaj that the subsequent prize is terrible for completing that many new levels (120 total factoring the 60 from the first tier). But even the first prize is poor considering it's the result of completing 60 new levels.

  • snakegore999
    snakegore999 Posts: 544 Level 3

    This is an interesting change, but I'd like to suggest that the possible characters you rescue from Bubblegum Traps (before you take on Bubblegum Troll himself and destroy his Bubblegum Shield) should be more diverse and random. Make Denize, Olivia, Odus, Hilda, Minty or Misty possible random hostages you have to rescue from the traps to show how cruel Bubblegum Troll is to the citizens of the Candy Kingdom. And to make things interesting, whenever Denize is the hostage to rescue, add gummi dragons to rescue alongside her, and award the player a small amount of gold bars whenever you beat a bubblegum volcano level where she and her babies are held hostage. Thoughts?

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,873 Level 5

    I've played the event three times now. No, I'm not mad! I am being given lucky board after lucky board and making lots of gold…. I'm still getting two colour bombs with each timed colour bomb, either from events or purchases with gold, making me zoom through the episodes and hoarding gold (getting ready for All Stars 2025….🤣.). This is the the prize for the third attempt, the gold chest. Now I am being invited to keep going for another 16 days….. I guess I'll just keep getting the same gold chest again and again.

    So I'm not sure "bigger rewards" is true at this point. My rewards are the same in each of the gold chests now.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 35,846 Candy Moderator

    I am glad that you are receiving an UFO booster as well, Christine😍 But, I still feel that, that's not a big reward after winning 3 (or 4) episodes!!

    All the Best for 2025 All Stars🤩🌟🌟

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,873 Level 5

    The one singular UFO only came after 1s episodes! I had to play the entire event of 4 episodes three times!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?