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⭕ Why can't I play in landscape mode anymore? Game too small!



  • kepeterson
    kepeterson Posts: 211 Level 3

    I agree, I don't see much difference.

  • UncleBobby1
    UncleBobby1 Posts: 163 Level 3
    edited June 13

    Still here, still waiting for Landscape…. to stupid to give up even after nearly 1 year.

  • Karenr2
    Karenr2 Posts: 57 Level 2

    I visit, I hope, but have to accept they really don't care about their older players.😪

    I hop between games - none satisfy me in the same way as CCS used to - Gem Valley - landscape and lots of free lives but no real satisfaction in passing levels, no level count, though you can play different boards. Royal Match - does have a decent feeling of progression - but again it's portrait!

    I then got into untwisting rope games - got quite a way on one, you have to watch ads after each level , ok (but can get annoying after every level) - but my favourite (up to about level 150 & the ads usually shorter 5-10s ones) suddenly went into slow-mode (slow response and at time no response modes) and as its a game of timed levels, is more frustrating than engaging - I visit occasionally to see if they have ironed out the problems, but soon end up frustrated again 😂

    And 'hex merge' games - none live up to the hype of their ads or the promise of no in-game ads (lie to me and its immediate uninstall) and again, portrait!

    (BTW I don't mind ads if I am getting something for it - an extra move, an extra item, another life, but when the ads are 40s long and take 3 very precise clicks to get out, on a game where a level takes less than one minute - when its going well - then I soon get bored, lol)

    So most of my tablets time is spent playing Dragon Merge - in fact it 'plays' by itself most of the weekend (events to get extra dragons and such like) - its colourful, its landscape!, it has merges and dragons🐉 & so far the ads are only to get 'more', not to get 'on'. it's also got some pretty good Facebook community groups that can help with gameplay and problems - AND INGAME SUPPORT ACTUALLY RESPOND 😲, so it's currently got pride of place on the tablet front screen.

    I did play candy crush soda saga the other day when I was really bored and just wanted a few games (i.e. didn't want the 3 hours extra lives I'd get within seconds of opening Gem Valley at midnight when I was in bed supposedly winding down), I even managed to pass the level I had been seriously stuck on before, but there isn't the same sense of achievement - I was 11000+ on CCS, but only about 2700 on CCSS & I have to wonder why I should invest in it, King could mess that game up too. 🙄

    Ok, bit of an essay (sorry) - I'm on my own this week & haven't spoken to anyone today😀

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