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📖 🍬 Help on Levels! 15 Best tips & hints on how best to play and enjoy Candy Crush Saga.



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,018

    My best tips in addition to those stated are:

    1. Don't hold on to a win streak at all cost. It can be costly if you are nowhere near and chances are on your second attempt you will get an easier board. Don't pay more than 10 gold for extra moves, so if you can't definitely pass with 5 more moves wait until the game offers you enough extra moves for your 10 gold. If you do, you will get your win streak back soon enough as the next levels are likely to be easy.
    2. legendary levels: Play starting boosters on your first and second attempt only. If the game won't let you pass with these then you will be held up for a long time, so don't waste any more boosters until you find you get close. Sometimes if you get close then on your very next attempt starting boosters may help you pass. Watch out for any sign of a lucky board: dropping the right candies to make the matches you need to make, then take advantage of every opportunity the game gives you. If no opportunities show up, you might as well quit and try again, don't waste your boosters on these levels!
    3. Use events in the game to collect boosters. Then use your boosters wisely: your UFOs and lollipops are best kept to use before your last turn in a tricky level, use them only when you can see you can definitely pass if you play it. Hand switches are great to bring two colour bombs side by side on a starting board (e.g. in legendary levels when you are on a win streak and play starting boosters)
  • FunForGrandma
    FunForGrandma Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Really enjoying the game and the great Team I am playing with.

    Thank you for adding fun & relaxation to my day(s)!

    Wishing for everyone to have a great; morning/afternoon/evening!

    Take good care😃

  • CrystalKing
    CrystalKing Posts: 382

    I have found for hard stages,have a quick study of the board,then Start by trying to create candies & starting from the bottom of the board if poss

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,018
    edited June 2024

    On legendary levels I usually find:

    If I am on a win streak I may pass first time using all of the starting boosters. If I fail on my first attempt sometimes I pass on my second attempt using all three starting boosters. After that I always fail, even if I play starting boosters. So I recommend that if you don't pass first or second time do not waste any boosters on legendary levels. If the boosters don't help on your first two attempts then you are on a "pay to pass" algorithm, so wait until the game offers you enough extra moves that you can see you will pass with 10 gold. If you are out of gold then keep trying, playing the first move the game suggests, and watch out for a lucky board. How to recognise a lucky board is next:

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,018
    edited June 2024

    Lucky Boards are written into the game by King. They help us pass tricky levels, and when they turn up is part of the game design. Many unrated levels will give a player a lucky board on their second attempt, so don't waste your gold or boosters to keep a win streak early on. Some levels the game will give you a lucky board when an offer (train of fishing boat) pops up, often when having just one life left. Sometimes I then pass if I play starting boosters at this point. Legendary and nighmarish levels are hard to predict when they show up.

    How to recognise a lucky board:

    One way is to watch the YouTube videos, especially Johnny Crush, as they illustrate how to pass difficult levels without boosters and will show you what a lucky board in that level may look like.

    If there is an opportunity to create a wrapped or striped candy on your starting board this may be a sign of a lucky board. If not, follow the first move the game suggests and if an opportunity to create a special candy opens up, that may be a lucky board. If a colour bomb or lots of special candies drop, you have a lucky board. Watch out closely for a chance to use these to create combos. In the later levels colour bombs and special candies won't just drop, but there will be opportunities to create them in a lucky board, so watch out for any such opportunity and then for the chance to use these special candies to create a combo. A wrap/colour bomb combo is very powerful and many legendary levels rely on this to pass.

    So: Learn to recognise a Lucky Board. Then make sure you that when you spot one you take every opportunity to create those winning combos of special candies the game requires.

    If you fail but come very close then play the lollipop needed for the last jelly, for if you don't it may be long time before the next lucky board comes along.

  • Sisit
    Sisit Posts: 230

    Help with level

  • Rish65sew
    Rish65sew Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Candy Crush helps me pass the time away. I have become disabled from the waist down. So....ALL the Candy Crush games help pass the time away!

  • rosi2575
    rosi2575 Posts: 0


    Hola, yo ya hice todo lo que piden pero a mĂ­ no me ayudaron nunca. Tengo problema con el nivel 6549, no puedo voltear a la rana y quiero saber cĂłmo se hace. Tengan a bien contestar. Gracias

  • zsazsa61
    zsazsa61 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Sziasztok! Valaki segĂ­tsen , hogyan kell a 8041-es szinten tĂșljutni vagy mit kell csinĂĄlni? köszönöm

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,018

    This will inform you how to pass level 8041:

    Check this out by clicking on the green "view post" . It shows a video as well as an explanation.

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