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Best tips for playing Candy Crush



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,170

    And my latest tip is: Don't play while there is no connection to the server! You will lose out on the gold from the episode races and chocolate box rewards. If your game is not connected then wait until the issue gets resolved. How do you know if you are connected? Go into your profile and click on any of the boosters. If you get this then you have lost your connection,

    so don't bother playing and close the app.

  • ambiebambie
    ambiebambie Posts: 38

    Level 3

    I've had almost as much fun in the support forums. 🤣🤣🤣 Thank you for the hot tips!

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,170
    edited November 2024

    As it's back up on the first page, let me add some more of my tips.

    Take best advantage of events in your game.

    Candy Crush has now become an event based game and we all get a different selection, often with differing prizes. A crafty player will know how their events work and what the prizes are in order to take best advantage of their personal selection. For example if you are due a timed booster from the chocolate box, daily win or weekly race wait to log in or to finish the level that will unlock the timed booster until you have time to play for the entire duration of the timed booster.

    You can fill the first chocolate box easily by playing old levels and then play new levels when you have the timed boosters from the chocolate box. If you get timed boosters from other events, such as a timed UFO from the daily win, these DO count towards the chocolate box, so you can use timed UFOs to complete your gold box and earn the gold, if you get the timing right.

    Do you get offers for passing levels after you have failed repeatedly? I get a fishing boat and one extra life when I have used up my five lives, and now always also get added timed boosters with it. Sometimes I choose to wait to play gold or boosters to pass a legendary level until I get this offer, because the timed boosters are not just of use for my next try, but will help me finish the remainder of the episode and win the race. Offers like this can be anticipated and used effectively. A lot of levels will be easy to pass with timed starting boosters.

    Then there are other events not worth bothering with: Candy Royale? Don't get tricked into spending more gold than you would gain just to keep that win streak. If you fail Candy Royale it will pop up again before long to give you another chance. If you keep winning though you will see less and less of it.

    Make sure you have good internet connections to take advantage of events. The episode race won't start while you are offine. Check you are online when starting the first level of a new episode. If you play the first few levels without internet you will miss out on the episode race. Don't start the race unless you think you can finish it in the same day. Ignore the other players, they are not real. Every player can win every episode race. Make sure you have internet connection again for that last level to claim the gold.

    Always play Season Pass to the end. It can be played offline and by replaying easy old levels. So every player can get to the end every week. (Don't waste gold to pay to move onto the next tier. Be careful not to press that green button by mistake!)

    Do you get Adverts for extra moves? If you do, don't rely on them. They come and go and the help you get changes, so it is a bit hit and miss. If you want to keep those adverts don't spend any real money on the game ever, or those ads will disappear. I only watch ads if I think they will actually help me pass the level. If in doubt I X out and retry the level instead. In my game I have found that if I don't use the ads then they will keep reappearing after each attempt, so I wait until I get close enough before I choose to watch them.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,170
    edited November 2024

    post deleted

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,170
    edited November 2024

    I feel I need to update this thread:

    Please note that there is no longer a guarantee to win the episode race if you complete the levels in 24 hours. It is mostly now the same day, so try to finish the episode before midnight, but I have also been tricked once and lost it in several hours. The only sure way to win the episode race is to play the entire race without closing the game.

    I have posted this elsewhere, but lately I have found that levels are quite predictable and most conform to the same rules.

    If the board is set to "fail" mode there is no cheap way to outtrick it, so personally I don't bother trying and replay until I find I either get lucky or I decide to pay gold to pass by it.

    If the board is set to "lucky" you are given a chance to pass if you make the right moves. I find it more and more predictable to recognise a lucky board now and these tend to be the right moves to pass them:

    1. Make the first move the game suggests
    2. During the first 2 thirds of the level make every special candy you can create and try to create combos of special candies. If you get such a combo strike it.
    3. During the last 3rd of the level pause and think. Try to work out if there is a way to pass with your remaining moves. If the game has given you some luck at the beginning there is a good chance it will now help you if you make the right moves. In the last 2 or 3 moves you might see that the game will leave you just short. This might be a good moment to use that lollipop hammer or UFO you got from events because it is probably as close as the game will let you get

    Another general tip is to check on your opening board if there are any spawners, such as fish spawners or wrap/stripe spawners. These usually give an indication of what mechanism is written into the board to pass. For example if there are both fish and wrapped candy spawners then chances are that a wrap/fish combo will help you pass this particular level. If there are wrap and stripe spawners then creating wrap/stripe combos will help win such a level.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited November 2024

    Hi @christinewupp ! Thank you for your tips. Since the expensive Music Tournament I'm spending less and less money on Candy Crush. Certainly so since the prices are rising to ridicuous amounts. 3 Hammers for 29 gold bars, for instance. I'm even thinking to close my accounts on pc and mobile for good, I've really had it with King.But with your tips my fun in the game might increase again, so I'll hang on for the time being.

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