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Level advances without in app purchase

schughes Posts: 77

Level 3

edited July 2024 in Level Help & Tips


How does one continue to play without in app purchases?

I am ~ at 6700 and have had to purchase multiple bar pkgs; yet other players are able to amass bars with no purchases necessary. Is it based on country of play and the corresponding game version is dialed in tighter?

It is frustrating to play a game whilst spending hundreds of US dollars and additionally whilst playing in the Cup I would suddenly be dropped out of 1st place when CCS's AI settings would change the player mix and make it financially ridiculous to purchase additional bar pkgs knowing that the low rewards were waiting.

Now, who is the fool? Me I guess.


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,076

    Hello @schughes . Yes, you are probably not far off the mark there. The more players spend on the game, the more the game will demand players to spend. There probably is an AI at King's end which nerfs your game because you previously paid so much real money in hope that you will keep on spending.

    To amass gold in Candy Crush saga you would have to start doing this from level 1. I don't really think there is a way to start from nothing at level 6700. The level ranges up to 1000 are best for making lots of gold by winning episode races, and once you have enough then you can pay yourself out of those legendary levels to keep winning episode races.

    The only way I might suggest (and I feel guilty of suggesting this) would be to purchase one whole lot of gold bars once, and once only. I am only suggesting this because you have by your own admission already spent hundreds of dollars. Buying the gold only packages (250 gold at least) could actually work to help a player at your level range start making gold if they win the episode races. Try to use these only to a) purchase timed colour bombs and timed wrap/stripe in your inventory (don't buy timed boosters with real money!) and b) to pay 10 gold when stuck on a legendary level when you can definitely see that you can pass in the number of moves to game offers for 10 gold. Never pay +16 gold, if you can't see on the board that you will pass with the extra 5 moves sacrifice your win streak and keep retrying the level until the game offers you enough moves to pass with 10 gold bars. That method, if you play fast enough and have enough friends to utilise 20 extra lives, should help you win every episode race and make a net gold profit. Keep track of your progress and if you don't make a net gold profit from the episode races, then don't make any more purchases! You will have to play each episode in 24 hours to win the gold.

  • schughes
    schughes Posts: 77

    Level 3

    Hi Christinewupp3,

    Excellent 💡's and I wanted to perform a deeper dive if I may.

    1. How many 1000 bar pkgs should I buy at once or more effective to purchase multiple smaller bar pkgs simultaneously?
    2. Stop paying for +16 bars. The times I've been guilty has smoke coming out of my ears 👂and if there is +25, both ears smoke.
    3. Play daily to use 20 friend lives and quit for the day? How do you determine if you buying a few lives makes sense if you have a few levels to complete to maintain my win streak?
    4. Episode races. Is the 24 hrs play window why I can leave the game to sleep and no one has advanced over my dormant 1st place and other games I can lose my position over night?
    5. If I'm not earning a bar inventory from the episode race, how long do I want before making additional bar pkg purchases?
    6. What promotions should I join and which should I stay away from? The one I find futile is the frenzy, where in 30 minutes you smash as many candy stripes as possible?

    I appreciate your time sharing game tips.

  • schughes
    schughes Posts: 77

    Level 3


    Excellent 💡's and I wanted to perform a deeper dive if I may.

    1. How many 1000 bar pkgs should I buy at once or more effective to purchase multiple smaller bar pkgs simultaneously?

    2. Stop paying for +16 bars. The times I've been guilty has smoke coming out of my ears 👂and if there is +25, both ears smoke.

    3. Play daily to use 20 friend lives and quit for the day? How do you determine if you buying a few lives makes sense if you have a few levels to complete to maintain my win streak?

    4. Episode races. Is the 24 hrs play window why I can leave the game to sleep and no one has advanced over my dormant 1st place and other games I can lose my position over night?

    5. If I'm not earning a bar inventory from the episode race, how long do I want before making additional bar pkg purchases?

    6. What promotions should I join and which should I stay away from? The one I find futile is the frenzy, where in 30 minutes you smash as many candy stripes as possible?

    I appreciate your time sharing game tips.



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  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,076

    @schughes I'm not sure I would want to encourage you to buy anything. You alone know your budget and your style of playing and strategy. There is no secret formula that will lead to success, we all approach the game differently. Remember this is a game and it is supposed to be fun. There is no other value in playing, so don't spend more than you feel the game gives you back in enjoyment. 250 bars should be enough to get a player back on their feet if you use it wisely and win the episode races to earn more gold.

    My strategy is to always play each episode in one day. I rarely go to bed not having finished the episode, but if I start it in the evening and finish it the next day I still know I will win it. The other players are not real, they are just recordings King put in our games to give us a sense of urgency.

    The best event is "Don't feed the troll" . If you see that one, scroll back to level 1000 and play it a few times to get the boosters. Season Pass is also very useful as you can get right to the top tier just replaying easy old levels. Much of the chocolate box can be filled replaying old levels, but to get the gold from it you will have to pass new levels. Yes, Factory Frenzy is too hard, and so is Candy Royale.

    Don't get fixated on keeping a win streak. The best way to pass levels and win episode races is to recognise a hopeless situation and know when to give up. Many levels get easier to pass with the second attempt and the more often you fail a level the more extra moves the game will offer you for 10 gold bars. Often quitting a level and retrying it until you get a lucky board it the best method. That is why you need your lives from friends. Don't buy lives with gold! That is such a waste. If you are out of lives put the game aside and do something else while you wait for your lives to fill up again.

  • lynnette125
    lynnette125 Posts: 78

    Level 3

    u don’t win without boosters. Hello I’m trying to start a petition to get rid of those gray tick looking things I’ve spent so much money but I can’t anymore SND without boosters u will never win a level with those little gray critters. I’ve started one but I never no what page to put it on. It’s on page 2 of support or discussions. But I feel u. The game isn’t fun anymore.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,076

    If you want other players to join your gripe @lynnette125 you will need to be clearer about which feature it is that you want to get rid of. These are called "jelly jars". You will need to call them that in order for other players to even understand what you are trying to write a petition about. You could try to write in the "ideas" section, which is where we do post petition type ideas. Click on "Ideas", the big green circle with the lightbulb at the top right of this page, and then create your petition there, but please make sure you call them "jelly jars" or else no one will know what you are talking about.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?