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Not enough order targets available

andreahope Posts: 2

Level 1

I’m disappointed. I have gotten at least ‘Not enough order targets available’. I’ve played this at least 50 times. I’m so close to winning. As soon as the clicks disappear, that notice comes on. I’m on level 7233. I’m ready to quit the game


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @andreahope🤗 A Warm Welcome to the King Community!

    I found an YouTube video! Is this how your level looks?

    The Magic Spinners are the source of sugar coat blockers! If you destroy the Magic Spinners way before collecting all the Sugar Coats (middle one in the video goals), you will see the pop-up of "not enough order targets! Hence, try not to destroy the spinners and you will win the level.

    If you have any other questions, please type below🍫🍫

  • andreahope
    andreahope Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I tried and tried. The spinners just disappear. I’m exhausted. At least 20 games. It’s not that I don’t know how to play.
    please rectify this situation. Keep getting the same. Not enough targets

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,073
    edited September 2024

    The problem is that the magic mixers will disappear if you hit them five times. Each time you hit them you will see one of the screws in the four corners come out, when there is no screw left it takes one more hit for them to explode. It sounds like a tricky balance between not destroying them too early but fulfilling the order target for the frosting in time. My suggestion would be to try to not set off any striped candies before the magic mixers have spawned the first set of sugar coat. Please note if you do hit a magic mixer it will reset and take longer to spawn the next round of sugar coats, so early on in the level avoid hitting them. This also means don't play colour bomb or wrap/stripe starting boosters on this level.

  • @andreahope I was able to scroll to this level and I note it has now got only 19 moves and the legendary label. I do think you will need to either play a UFO near the end or pay 10 gold for extra moves to actually pass this level, BUT the oops can be avoided. This is how I got on:

    I started with no boosters and carried out the first move the game suggested, which did not hit the mixers. There are not many possible moves at the beginning, but where possible I avoided hitting the magic mixers which will make them spawn sugar coats more quickly. At 11 moves left I have this situation:

    If I hit the colour bomb into the green candy I risk resetting or even destroying the magic mixers since three of them would be hit as they have a green candy next to them. At this point I pause to count if I have enough sugar coat on the board: There are five double sugar coats and three triple sugar coats, so what I have here would leave me one short of the order or 20. So I need to wait until one of the mixers produces one more sugar coat. You can tell they are about to spawn because they are full of pink stuff. So avoid hitting them at this point.

    So on the screenshot above one move later I do have enough sugar coats as three of the mixers have produced more. Now I can concentrate on creating striped candies and hitting into the mixers and frosting, while any fishes that spawn will eat the sugar coats. I did find that 19 moves is not enough to pass but I suspect if you get to this point on my screenshot below a UFO probably would pass the level, or you might choose to play on for ten gold.

    When you have 10 moves left that is the key moment you need to count how many sugar coats you have on the board. They come out as triplets each time one of the magic mixers is not hit when it's full of pink stuff.

    Good luck!

  • Hello @andreahope

    I managed to pass this with just one hammer using the following strategy:

    1. I avoided making matches next to the mixers at all costs. I only made moves in the middle of the board if there were no other options.
    2. I tried to remove the frosting from the outer columns early so that the stripes from the dispensers would start dropping. I also made my own stripes whenever I had the chance, and used those stripes to hit the frosting inside the fences while the mixers were doing their job. I was also lucky to create a striped and wrapped combo that helped a lot with the frosting.

    3. I didn't give any attention to collecting sugar coats. Some of them were removed by stripes, some were eaten by fish, and some were taken out by exploding mixers later on.

    4. With 12 moves remaining, I have 17 layers of coats on board, while I still need to collect 18. I figured that with all four mixers still on board, I will be able to get one more sugar coat from them before they all explode. So, from now on, I won't be making careful moves anymore, and will start hitting everything.

    5. Again, I didn't focus on collecting sugar coats. I either used stripes to hit the frosting or made matches next to the mixers to explode them.

    I was given a color bomb by the game, but I couldn't make a combo with it, so I used it to take out orange and explode the mixers.

    As a result, I was left with three frostings left to collect and three moves remaining.

    I managed to create a stripe aimed at them, but one frosting is two layers thick.

    So I used a hammer to remove one layer of frosting before setting off the stripe.

    It's clear that the 19 moves we're given are not enough. You either have to start clearing the board even earlier than I did, and hope that mixers will spawn enough coats before they explode, or use a hammer or two, I think.

    Good luck!

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