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🎶 Get Ready for the Candy Crush Music Season 🎶



  • steventseng
    steventseng Posts: 11,747

    The orange candies did not turn into musical notes in my game, and I may not be able to participate in the Music Season.

  • Kerrie
    Kerrie Posts: 3,279

    Love the music note collection!

  • I loved orange musical candy

    Want more

  • SneakyMelonPyroDuck1
    SneakyMelonPyroDuck1 Posts: 38

    Level 3

    edited September 2024

    I had this happen as well. Got the normal bag at 51, for once, closed/opened the app at 140is due to another event not triggering and after I did it was the bad bag until 200 and the above.

    What you are seeing is the under 200 bags that everyone in general should be getting now. What you ran into is as follows.

    1. You got the average bag before 200, this is actually a bug/old code/groupings/whatever. Basically it should not be happening. The one you have an image of is the normal bag for under 200 now.
    2. If you beat 201 and a full day has passed it will go from the bad bag to the normal one you get at 200, 3/1/2/1 for 5 steps, 6 has 3/2/2/1. That is two cycles of King day start so it is not necessarily the next day. 10PM EST or 4AM EST I am not sure which is the day start for the win streak.
    3. If you are @200 or not a full day has passed you should have, or get, the bad bag. You have to pass an episode and then close the app and open it and potentially play an old level to get the normal bag again.
    4. Basically what you are seeing is actually correct based on the changes to the bags. Tomorrow it will be 3/1/2/1 again.

    Also, when you start the game your groupings/settings are not fully defined. This use to be very obvious in the windows version as you would always start with episode names until you closed and opened the again for the first time.

    If you watch when close and open the app for the first time, your Avatar will flash with a longer delay than any other time you open the app. It actually also used to change in the windows version until they removed the ability to have custom avatars, or in that ballpark anyway.

  • Yes, they did change the colour of the candies in level 1000 for example, @Rhonda_L , but have you noticed they changed them back and made this a go-to level again for just about everything? What you describe may well have been the case a year or two ago, but I think by now King have used their bots to comb through every single old level and they know exactly which ones our go-to levels are and which events we use them for. I have noticed that in the new levels above 17,000 King have deliberately put new easy go-to levels into our games. I am not sure why this is, but for some reason the last level of each new episode at the end of the game is always really easy to pass and there are a few which can be used for collection events so we no longer have to scroll all the way back. This must all be part of the game design. They are playing us. They give us those go-to levels deliberately so that we think we can outwit the game, but it's King who control it all. We're just puppets on a string.

  • @Deryck

    My game was all fun, music, orange musical notes great game. Until today it's not letting me watch any ads without freezing up

  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,376

    I trust you've been testing & making observations for this feature longer than me, @SneakyMelonPyroDuck. Sure reads like it! In point 2, what did you mean by "3/1/2/1 for 5 steps"?

    I'll take your word the necklace goodies under L200 have changed for the worse. Wish King made things consistent so I wouldn't have to wonder if some coder keeps arbitrarily messing with my game at whim, but I guess that's asking for too much.

    Dunno if this squares with your observations, but I passed 201 yesterday, and a full 24 hours hasn't passed, yet the bag changed back today to the variant I had last week or so:

    Still not thrilled with the lack of double color bomb, but all this attention seems to have brought the Super Charger back in my game today too. Anyone who hasn't had it yet, here's the guide:

    If you see this in your game, drop everything in your life and feed your Candy addiction for the next 24 hours. 😵

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?