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Legendary level 8704

Carol-38 Posts: 11,650 Level 5

Hi @Janet_Rogers I tried replying to your post you posted at 7.50am today, but there was a problem, it wouldn't let me put anything. So I copied and pasted what you put ⬇️

"Come on guys, give us a break! Been on this level for several weeks now, not even close to beating it. Can't do anything! No gold bars (don't spend money, can't afford to) All these years and almost at the point of quitting, need a boost!"

I feel for you Janet, King have certainly made many things difficult for us and Nightmarishly Hard and Legendary levels are ridiculous and really not fun. Who wants to be stuck on one level for weeks, it's bad enough when it's days. It might be an idea not to keep trying and just log in every day to get whatever boosters you can, from the Daily Treat Machine and Sweet Cinema. Do you get Seasons Pass and Don't feed the Troll, which can both be done playing older levels. If you do also play those and try to stock up on your boosters. You might even find that after a few weeks King will then give you a lucky board knowing you haven't been playing. They might not but it could be worth a try rather than giving up completely. Anyway good luck, hope it works out for you and hope to hear from you again 🤗


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