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PDiaz Posts: 1 Newbie

I consider that when a game is no longer fun and makes distinctions to get prizes and be able to pass screens, it is no longer worth it. More than a week on the same screen and it has left me to a jelly many times, waiting for me to spend money to win. It doesn't allow me to watch videos to get extra moves, like other users and I don't understand why.
This game has disappointed me and I'm going to uninstall it.


  • Storm15
    Storm15 Posts: 5 Level 2

    Hello PDiaz, I can imagine your disappointment after longtime trying to beat a certain level and getting stuck on one left jelly. I hate it when this happens to me, especially when this happens again at the next level I'm trying to beat. I've passed level 1000, but I've had to spend much more money than I ever thought I would for a Match 3 game. Candy Crush, in my experience, is made to make as much money for the developers as they possibly can. In the early days you could keep playing it for free if you were smart enough to save bars and boosters, but that doesn't seem possible anymore. In fact, when you play a level over and over without buying the extra moves and you've used up your lives and boosters, the amount of offered extra moves won't rise anymore and there's a good chance the game suddenly shuts down altogether. This happened to me several times. And restarting it again I noticed my events were gone, paused as if it were for some time, as were all the bells and whistles together with it. But… as soon as I won a level again, which most of the time boils down to buying stuff again (!) everything returned, events, extra's, everything that makes the game so attractive to play. I don't know what to think of this but anyway, either you play this game and pay over and over again, or you don't play this game. That's the way it seems to be with Candy Crush Saga, It seems in the higher levels that you can also choose not to pay and to watch video commercials instead, but I'm not that far in the game and I doubt I ever will. Friendly greetings, Storm15

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,559 Legend
    edited 8:08AM

    Hello @Storm15 I am concerned that you seem to spend a lot of money on Candy Crush and are just past level 1000. I have played those first 1000 levels several times and it is possible still to get to level 1000 with a lot of gold bars in the account if you use boosters and gold wisely. You do need events though. If you lose events then that is usually due to a connection problem. This may not always be obvious as your gold bar balance and some events like Candy Royale and Season Pass still show up even if you have lost connection to the server. To play successfully you need to be able to make gold bars through the episode race, which requires a connection to the server via the app store. You can tell you are connected if other players show up on your map. If there aren't any icons of other players, you probably lost your connection. If in doubt, close the app and reopen it to get events back. Usually replaying an older level will bring them up for me, have you tried that? I don't normally have to play a new level to bring my events back, I just replay any level further down the map.

    Please be careful to not spend more than you can afford because the more players spend on the game the more the game expects. In fact prices will increase for you. Also anyone who spends money on the game will NOT see adverts to help them out.

    Good luck!

  • Storm15
    Storm15 Posts: 5 Level 2

    Thank you @christinewupp for trying ti help me out here! 👍️I play Candy on my pc via the Microsoft store and I know that sometimes the connection fails and how to fix that. Nevertheless Candy Crush keeps an expensive game to me. Everything's timed these days, boosters, lives, and if I'm running out of them, meaning I've got no given lives left either for that moment, I see no escape other than buying stuff again, because so called 'lucky boards' don't appear that much and less so, it seems to me, if I'm replaying a level over and over which I do regularly because I'm not a quitter. And there's always the pressure of time. If I don't keep winning levels soon enough, I'll loose my place in the episode race (so I will win no new amount of gold bars). It's even so that I can't leave the game for long, because my timed boosters will disappear. I'm really trying to spend as less money as I can, but I don't see how to do that the best way. You say that I must get wise in spending boosters and gold, but I really don't see how to become wise enough to 'beat' the Candy Crush money grabbing system. After lots of years I'm not bad in the gameplay itself, but I'm not able to save boosters and lives like other players.I'm seeing people on YouTube with such a lot of saved boosters and lives that I think it can't be done in a normal way. I also see people with hacks to get unlimited stuff and I don't believe them either and besides that, I'm not going to use their (illegal?) methods. I really wish I could progress in Candy Crush without spending more money than I want to. Really. Maybe I should play on my Android, it seems the game works smoother that way, but in the longer run that's too tiring for my eyes. So, the big question remains: am I still doing something wrong and if so, what exactly?

  • Storm15
    Storm15 Posts: 5 Level 2

    @christinewupp forgot to thank you for the tip about my gold bars balance still showing up when the connection is down. I did't know this.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,559 Legend

    I don't think you are doing anything wrong @Storm15. You are playing the game exactly as King want you to play. Just be aware that the game is very addictive and very manipulative in every possible way. It is packed full of events and nudges to make players want to keep playing and keep spending money. Once hooked it is very hard to stop. But beware, because I know the levels that come up later (2000-4000), and they will get harder, with fewer and fewer lucky boards. I sometimes advise addicted players to quit their current game and start again from the beginning. I'm not sure if that is right for you. You could just try to delete the app and live life without Candy Crush…. You might find that easier than you think. Just don't pay for something that isn't fun or value for money. If you enjoy playing then paying for that is fair enough. But if it's just frustration then it's time to quit.

  • Storm15
    Storm15 Posts: 5 Level 2

    You're a very attentive reader @christinewupp thank you for that. You're right saying that it's time to quit when playing Candy Crush is not fun anymore. What actually stops me from deleting it for good is the headstrong resolution that I'ld have to be able to find the best way to play Candy Crush Saga for the least amount of money. But this probably is a complete illusion. The game constantly changes, is clearly designed to generate more and more money for the developers, and (personal meaning, I don't know this for a fact) the concept 'fair play' has little to do with it. Beating a level is much more a question of luck and enough money to spend than it is of skill, at least that's what I think of it.
    Nevertheless I'm playing it from time to time because it's fun to win and get rewards, no matter how small or temporarily. It would be fun if I still could play Candy Crush Saga for free till the end, like my late husband could when the game started in 2012, but nowadays that's not possible anymore.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?