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What happened to “Top That”?

Isaac_KC Posts: 6

Level 2

Normally it comes up every Monday morning - today, it didn’t (at least not yet). What’s going on? I would love to beat it someday, one of these upcoming weeks!


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 10,514

    It seems to only come up in some players games this week but not in others. I have it in one of my two games but not in the other. I can also warn you that it took me more than 800 (!) levels to beat on the one occasion I did beat it. It's grim. Not worth trying, really.

  • I didn't have it this week either. Last time it did have a 50 gold bar level too, which I made it past that one. This week, nothing, no top that, no alien invasion, no don't feed the Troll. No events.

  • pmin
    pmin Posts: 142

    I have no events this week. Candy Crush probably wants me to take a little breather after Music Season. Or maybe alien invasion isn't available beyond a certain level.

  • Aries2020
    Aries2020 Posts: 295

    Same here. No Top That on any devices here, 6 devices, no events at all this week. Except Candy Royale. It seems our household is always part of the group that gets all their events and features taken away. Every time. Sick of it...

  • pmin
    pmin Posts: 142

    There might be a device per household sensor triggering early event shutoff. Really hard to say. I know that music season had written rules regarding the amount of devices someone was allowed to use.

  • Aries2020
    Aries2020 Posts: 295

    Ok, but this is absurd - I started the game over on my old iPad, just because... And as soon as I reached level 200 about 5 min ago, Top That just appeared out of the blue! It disappeared from 5 other devices which had it every week since it rolled out, but appeared in a brand new game suddenly. It's ridiculous. King is ridiculous.

  • pmin
    pmin Posts: 142

    Yeah the game options aren't the same for everyone. I don't have any event stuff anymore after clobbering music season. Maybe it thinks I'm too good, maybe it wants me to spend more money, I honestly don't care to try to figure out the logic. It's King's game, they can offer whatever events or bonuses they want.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 10,514

    I agree that there may be some truth in what you are speculating here. King are more Big Brother-ish lately and I do think they monitor our games. I doubt they have the means to check each and every household for multiple devices in it and restricting each household or Wifi address to one event I find highly unlikely and absurd. It would also be against their own rules because they allow multiple devices for multiple players living together using the same Wifi, so that cannot be the reason why some of us are missing Top That and other events. The more likely reason is that King monitor how fast we play and generally how successfully we play. I have found that if I play no more than one episode per day then I will get enough boosters from events to never have to purchase any. I get ads in my game as well, helping me with that. I suspect that anyone who plays episode after episode without spending money King have an algorithm that picks up on this and aims to slow us down. We all now get the same levels (excepting a few small test groups with rogue levels) with the same difficulty algorithm. I have found when I check out levels for other players in the community that if they struggle to get a lucky board on a certain level, so do I when I scroll back to that level, so I am pretty sure that we all play the same level difficulty now. This means that the way King can control individual players' success is by manipulating which events we get. This is in my opinion how King control the game and try to force us all into making purchases.

    So for example a newish player will see Candy Royale pop up once they reach level 500. The assumption is that they will be fooled into thinking this is a real live event and they stand a chance to win the entire jackpot (aptly named like that of a lottery, which is random). Candy Royale is a great event for anyone who has enough gold reserves to always win it, so the amount we win gets reduced the more successful we are at winning it. Everything else around it is just window dressing. Players who repeatedly fail used to get hounded by it (the complaints have recently stopped, so maybe that is no longer the case) forcing them to play the event every day. Those who win it all the time see less of it and get smaller gold rewards. Missing events is unlikely to be a glitch of any kind. I think it the way King control our games. Some players are blacklisted for whatever reason as well, and those never get the leaderboard events.

  • Aries2020
    Aries2020 Posts: 295

    I have no other events in this new game except top that either. Candy Royale popped up after level 500. It let me do 3 tiers, now, this morning, it's not there at all. We don't have any events in any of our other devices this week either, except Candy Royale. And even then, not on all of them. I think it's idiotic that King won't let us all play the same events. Why should it matter what type of device it is? It's wrong and unfair.

  • pmin
    pmin Posts: 142

    I had a mini event thing with that flying donut dog pop up yesterday. Who knows? Events are extras to the game, I've learned to deal with it when they don't show up. Obviously a competition with real world prizes like Allstars would be a different story.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?