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Do I have a glitch or something?

KrisKL Posts: 15

Level 2

Hi, I can't even count how many times I've tried level 8329. I don't have enough gold bars to get extra moves. My main issue is that the final key doesn't drop until I have 1 or 2 moves left and sometimes not at all. Am I missing something? Any advice would be great! Thank you



  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @KrisKL🤗 A Warm Welcome to the King Community!

    I have just tried the level few times and you are right! I only got one key and then, no keys at all to unlock the Gummy Dragons!!

    Let me call in couple of my Community friends @christinewupp and @MannyFae and see if they are also experiencing the same glitch!!

    If they also run into same issue, I will report it to our Community In-charge, so that the King team can check the level.

    If you have any questions in the meantime, please type below🍫🍫

  • MannyFae
    MannyFae Posts: 914

    Hello @KrisKL

    I don't think this level has a glitch, but rather it is designed in this way. The last key drops with only 1-3 moves remaining, and you have to have the board cleared by that time, and count on lucky cascades to bring all the dragons down. Like many levels that have only three colors, this one is very luck-based.

    The key drops every four moves. If it is collected by cascades or explosions immediately after dropping, the next key will drop faster. If there is a delay in collecting the key, such as if it's dropped, but you didn't notice, you might never see the last key.

    I tried this level out, and was able to pass with some luck.

    I start by charging the frog and using it to remove licorice at the top and hit licorice curls blocking the dragons. I place the frog so that it hits two licorice curls at once.

    The board often forms color bombs, I use them to charge the frog, and look out for a chance to make a color bomb and stripe combo. The frog helps me clear the top of the board. I also make vertical stripes whenever I can.

    With four moves remaining, the board is mostly cleared, but I still have to collect one key.

    I used a color bomb on the board to take out orange and charge the frog, and the key has dropped and was collected by explosions immediately. To pass this level, you need this kind of luck.

    Three moves are left to drop the dragons, which is the best I could get. I used two moves to collect the remaining licorice on the left with the frog, which also released three dragons, and got the position shown below.

    I have to count on luck to drop the last dragon, so I matched four greens to form a stripe, hoping for it to explode. The game helped me, and after a series of explosions, the dragon dropped out.

    This is a tricky one indeed. You have to focus on clearing the board in preparation for the final three or so moves when the last key drops. If you have a good board, the game will help you both collect the keys and clear the top. And then, you have to rely on luck. I hope you get as lucky as I did and pass this level soon!

  • KrisKL
    KrisKL Posts: 15

    Level 2

    Ummm, I'm given 22 moves

  • KrisKL
    KrisKL Posts: 15

    Level 2

    Also, I appreciate your responses. Thank you sincerely

  • Good morning ! I have just noted your post in Discussions @KrisKL and am aghast that you state you are only given 22 moves for this level! As shown by @MannyFae above I also get 26 moves.

    Please don't leave the game or this community just yet @KrisKL because I believe that we can help you. There is a way to contact Player Support from within the app to report this and complain about your game being singled out to have too few moves. But also our moderator @PummyRaj and community manager can contact King directly. Please could you let us know which device you are playing on and tell us your Player ID, so that they can look into your game for you. I assume you are playing the latest update?

    I have not seen such a discrepancy in moves in any level for over a year. I thought King had stopped doing this, it is hugely unfair and outrageous @QueenB

  • MannyFae
    MannyFae Posts: 914

    22 moves? That's ridiculous! No wonder the last key doesn't drop. Please do complain to Player Support, as Christine suggests, @KrisKL.

    Hopefully @QueenB can look into this. It's indeed outrageous!

  • Kazza-3
    Kazza-3 Posts: 232

    I played this level a couple of days ago & had the same problem. I have only 22 moves and the final key never dropped. After failing a couple of dozen times, the only way I passed it was getting 7 extra moves from watching ads at the end. (The ads in my game are very erratic, a lot of the time they’re not offered when I fail or it’s only 2 or 3 moves.)

    They’ve gone through & removed moves from a whole bunch of levels again. The last few hundred levels have been a real slog. So many of the levels now have 1 or 2 fewer moves.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Thank you for the heads-up, Christine 🙏🏼

    I do not remember how many moves I had when I tried! But, I will report the level.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @KrisKL and @Kazza-3 🤗

    Can you please provide below details:

    • Device you are using;
    • Version of the App you have right now;
    • Your game ID number

    Also, can either of you post a screenshot of your level - as soon as you click on Play and open the game board?

    All these will help me to report the issue in the level 🙏🏼

    Thank you!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?