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Level 4386



  • alicekey
    alicekey Posts: 3

    Level 1

    They removed a row of waffles from the start of the game. Impossible to complete. Please fix!
  • skiier
    skiier Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I’m having the same issue. Can’t play the level even without boosters. Tried re-instslling the app still doesn’t work   

    Please fix this level 
  • mrmere
    mrmere Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Hello and in need of help

    I too have the exact problem ... the level ends before the user has time to make a move mead said:
    JaneEB said:
    Playing on the android app.  I open Candy Crush, and try to play 4386.  It immediately says "oops", and then says "level failed - not enough order targets available.  I am starting with no boosters. Ironically enough, when I started with a full bot first time it did not say that, even though some of the reds were missing.  How can I move on, I have no chance to make any moves before it shuts down!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 2

    Level 1

    teapea said:
    How did you do it, it's impossible even with boosters. I used a check mark but even after I'd collected the red candies the check didn't turn into a waffle but more red candies.
    Even with boosters it's impossible.
    Sorry, I don't know how I did it, it is one of those that just managed almost to do itself!  But I must stress it was on FB on Windows 10 laptop, I still struggled on the Windows 10 App!
  • gah12345
    gah12345 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    can’t be done on iOS either, looks like a row missing compared to windows screenshots 
  • gah12345
    gah12345 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    IOS fixed now 
  • level 4386 problem only on w10 app,king soon it fix .you can try from

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