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Don’t Feed the Troll no longer works on older levels!!!



  • maryloukikin
    maryloukikin Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Plus aucune chance de progresser facilement en supprimant ne nourrissez pas le troll sur les niveaux anciens.

    Le jeu ne devient plus intéressant s'il faut uniquement acheter des boosters.

  • teenybee
    teenybee Posts: 212

    They ruin the one game that was fair to everyone and gave us all a bit of a lift at the weekend. What a bit*h move.

    And I don’t feel like being ‘sweet and kind’ about this so don’t bother reminding me to be.

  • candyrush7777
    candyrush7777 Posts: 32

    Level 3

    What a terrible move on their part. That was one of very few things to look forward to in the game. I'm in the 16k group; it's extremely difficult to pass new levels now and they don't often have too many orange candies in them anyway. This move greatly disadvantages the players at a higher level, and to say that I'm bitterly disappointed would be an understatement.

    I've been very patient with all the changes that King have made to the game over the years. Now, I really don't feel like playing it anymore.. 😕

  • quekkc
    quekkc Posts: 287

    In case anyone doesn't see the new font on your game, you maybe in luck. I manage to saved the cake from troll on three mobile devices by playing old levels because the apps are not updated to the lastest version. I shall disable the auto-update at least for the next 2 days.

    The game on my Huawei device is provided by Flexion Mobile and their update is a bit slow. Their latest version is

  • mnikeh
    mnikeh Posts: 99

    Level 3

    lucky you

    Mine updated and now my feed the troll is like everyone’s else


    Please give it back to us.

  • Rhonda_L
    Rhonda_L Posts: 581

    So true, @Dan4259 so true!!! Thanks for making me laugh!😸

    I posted on another thread so I won't post again. All I'll say is 😡🤬😿

  • Well done! You are so clever! I wish I'd done that, almost did so as to avoid getting that horrible new font. But then my curiosity got the better or me….

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,006
    edited November 2024

    I feel exactly the same @Carol-38 . I am certainly done with being sweet and kind and helping newbies for a while. If they want us to run this community for them then they will have to also give us something good to say about the game and a reason to still bother playing CandyCrush. I think I dare say that this latest move has made all the helpful regulars here nothing but angry.

    Oh and thanks for reminding me that I haven't done my Duolingo lession yet today. Oops, almost forgot….

  • Oichi
    Oichi Posts: 145

    the latest version is so bad LOL 😂

  • Ya new levels is how I played it in the past. It would be "ok" but there is the baked in artificial difficultly boost for 1-2 levels at the start making it very hard to get the best reward or force you to spend boosters/gold.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?