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  • Ann_Menmuir
    Ann_Menmuir Posts: 87

    Level 3

    level 16585 yet another level that is blatantly obvious that it can’t be passed with allocated moves ….. can’t see how this can still be classed as a game if nearly every third level can’t actually be passed … so can’t pass levels so can’t fill bank so can’t buy boosters …… doesn’t make any sense and absolutely no point in buying 6 hours play to play levels that can’t ever be passed with no boosters which you can’t buy because you can’t pass levels …… crazy !

  • veszettbeka
    veszettbeka Posts: 11

    Level 2

    Nem basznátok telib az anyátokat, rohadt mocskos rablóbanda. Egy hete kínlódom a 16549-es szinten.!?

    Dögóljetek èhen buzernyákok!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

  • AnaAsatiani
    AnaAsatiani Posts: 7

    Level 2

    I lost my gold bars. Yesterday I gained 56 and couldn’t claim and I had 50 gold bars hoping for help and when I entered the game there is only 2 gold bars. I urgently need help to go on game my level is 16591

  • BID77
    BID77 Posts: 22

    Level 3

    Yey, I managed to pass a couple of levels after only 30 or so attemps each and have now reached another impossible level, sorry I meant a 'Legendary' level. Boring boring boring, make the levels fun, enjoyable and most importantly passable without HAVING to buy up to 255 extra moves for a level that only provides you with 20 or 30 moves, it's just boring boring boring 🙄 make the game palatable or people will just stop playing... to anyone reading this, dont watch ads for extra moves, never spend money on 'gold' bars and just stop playing the game for days/weeks on end and the halfwits pulling the strings will eventually realise that this new model of impossible level after impossible level is fcuking pointless cos it's not fun, relaxing or remotely entertaining. I'm gona go and watch some paint dry cos I've had enough fun on the game for this week 🙄

  • Munster
    Munster Posts: 609

    ADMIN needs to make it right, 169 gold bars for certain boosters for players in higher levels but not lower levels, and the fastest race is unfair, how are higher levels( 11000 and up) pinned to play against people on levels so much lower than them? the person winning against me was on level 3000 … this is becoming NOT FUN!!! if you want us to spend money to pass the levels or spend money on boosters, please say so…I'd played this game since it started but I'm so sad and disheartened by what's going on

  • I am not impressed!!! It's taken absolutely 💯 to much to win 1or maybe 3 levels. I'm not happy. Out of gold boosters and lives. Thanks KING or Whomever this was. Thinking about getting rid of game

  • 11/20-11/21/24 12:30pm to 1am level 6180 after update it locked up on me when I was trying to use the store to get more switches and I lost everything. Candy Royale, streak, etc., and this happens frequently and it's not fair.

  • cidacorreia
    cidacorreia Posts: 88

    Level 3

    Estou no nível 16837 impossível de passar com 20 movimentos 😕

  • Munster
    Munster Posts: 609

    I'm getting more and more frustrated with this game, it's becoming more unfair toward players who are on higher levels, and can't decide whether to take a break or stop playing until things are back to how they were

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