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🎉 Winter Cup is HERE - 100 Gold Bars every month in 2025 ❄️



  • Nobody1
    Nobody1 Posts: 130

    I finally decided to sign up here - my first post. My results for Winter Cup:

    And while I did not receive the first gold bars right away, I did get them later this afternoon:

    I must admit I spent too much to do it. I depleted my gold bars by 1500, not a very good return. Why did I do it?

    1. Thought it would be fun to see what it's like to win a monthly prize
    2. Inspired by christinewupp, wanted to learn more about the game and share results
    3. Since I am very high in levels and have lots of gold bars to spare, it seems like I don't really need to worry about saving more. My goal is to become an end-of-mapper and just stay there. So it seemed like a good use for all this gold

    My current level:

    Christine, the other players at the top of my final were indeed all between levels 6000 and 9000, as you expected. They probably didn't know I was the only one (apparently) spending more than it was worth to win. I felt bad for them, but really wanted to experiment so I couldn't resist. My apologies to them.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,006
    edited January 8

    Hello and welcome to the community @Nobody1 !!!!

    It's great you are here and I really don't know what to say….. I am so touched by you stating that you had found my post an inspiration. Thank you for sharing the information and congratulations for winning! I'm sure that there will be lots of others who spend more gold than they stand to earn, that's always the way. It's the satisfaction we get from winning that matters.

    I wish you good luck in your quest to reach the end of the map. Unfortunately King are releasing more and more new levels - 60 per week recently - so it's hard work catching up even if you have enough gold bars to get through the blocker stages of those last 1500-2000 levels. I remember when I did it I was in the 14,000s and those were then the worst blocked up levels. It feels like swimming against a current, but you can do it. You need to swim fast or else you risk being stuck in the current for too long and that can be very costly on your gold bars.

    Good luck and keep us updated with your progress!

  • bleecarnes
    bleecarnes Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I won my leaderboard but have not gotten any notifications or prizes.

  • Nobody1
    Nobody1 Posts: 130

    Thank you @christinewupp for your response; I was really hoping you would notice my post! I suspect there are quite a few lurkers here like I was that highly value the strategy analysis that you and several of the other regulars here provide. I have really appreciated your analysis as I have worked my way through the levels.

    I have more I would like to say about my quest for end of the map, but I will probably start another thread for that so as to not clutter this thread about the Winter Cup.

  • Chrissy_S
    Chrissy_S Posts: 29

    Level 3

    @christinewupp @Nobody1 leider ging es auch mir so. Ich habe mehr Gold verbraucht als ich nun gewonnen habe. Ich warte noch immer auf die ersten 100 Barren des Gewinns. Ich bin zwischen Level 3000 und 4000. Es ist einfach schlimm bei mir. Wenn ein Event kommt will ich es gewinnen. Und dann gebe ich leider auch Geld dafür aus. Ich bin also das perfekte Opfer für die Macher von Candy Crush. 🤣

    Nobody1 wie hast du es geschafft so viele Goldbarren zu sammeln? Bei mir sind die immer sehr schnell wieder weg. Wahrscheinlich bin ich eine schlechte Spielerin weil ich so viel Gold brauche und es nicht ansparen kann ? 😥

  • Nobody1
    Nobody1 Posts: 130

    Hi. For those who can't read the German, the question was how I got so many gold bars. I confess I watch a lot of ads, then use the boosters to earn gobs of gold bars. It makes King a lot of money so I doubt they mind that I do it. At least this way I don't actually pay any money - I just watch a lot of ads. I will try to make a separate thread later where I explain the strategy I use to play the game by watching lots of ads. It seems like few other players do it the way I do, based on seeing other player cards. I will describe it in a separate thread.

  • wildcrusher
    wildcrusher Posts: 756
    I love this event! It’s super fun and exciting 🎉

    Im not liking this anymore. Ive been locked out, app crashed, couldn't get into community, and I would have won if none of that happened

  • Chrissy_S
    Chrissy_S Posts: 29

    Level 3

    Ich spiele über Microsoft am Computer. Ich habe die Funktion mit Werbespots gar nicht.

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