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  • BShawnika
    BShawnika Posts: 4

    Level 1

    how can I get my badge I’m proud of my level 😂😂

  • Sandyp7608
    Sandyp7608 Posts: 35

    Level 3

    Yep! I see that it's happening to quite a few players! Reddit has tons with the same complaint, from freemium to monetization! All about making money now!

  • Granitehead70
    Granitehead70 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I agree, I’m at level 17,004 and it is impossible to complete, I’m leaving probably for good, I refuse to buy gold bars in order to complete a level

  • Sandyp7608
    Sandyp7608 Posts: 35

    Level 3

    Me neither, if I can't get throug, then so be it!

  • M4R1AH
    M4R1AH Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I used to get 20 - 30 lives from other players maybe 2 or 3 a day.

    Also a player called Manni on my friends list never sends lives but every time I click on lives this player has requested lives up to 4 times a day . Sending lives is free so why this player requests but never sends us beyond me.

    Game is rigged to get you to spend money and I gave spent a bit so maybe time for me to leave the candy games and find other games that are more user friendly.

  • Ann_Menmuir
    Ann_Menmuir Posts: 83

    Level 3

    level 17061 with 30 moves allocated be prepared for the long haul or to pay ! just another level with no strategy required just be bored or spend …… 🤷‍♀️

  • Kore19
    Kore19 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Level 17049 was tough for me

  • Ann_Menmuir
    Ann_Menmuir Posts: 83

    Level 3

    level 17076 classed as hard with 30 moves in my version … pretty straightforward level no skill needed but unless you have a ton of boosters or prepared to pay for moves it can’t be passed …… seems the developers have just lost all imagination to create challenging interesting levels !

  • Sylveli
    Sylveli Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Pour moi c'est pareil je n'ai plus envie de jouer avec ma tablette,je n'ai plus de pub pour avoir quelques boosters ni le cinéma des délices.De plus le tournoi des étoiles est nul on refait plusieurs fois les mêmes jeu, on ne participe plus à la course à l'épisode pour avoir une chance de gagner des faut jouer 3 jours pour avoir un minimum de cadeaux et de plus on a pas le choix on est obligé de jouer merci d'améliorer

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