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Weekly Race- Is it fair or is it fake?

What we know for sure:

The other players we compete against do not compete against us or see us in their games

We have known this to be the case since our friends still featured as opposition.

What I believe from evidence gathered this week ending January 26th 2025:

King choose our opponents according to some algorithm, to make the game "bespoke" and "challenging"

I believe that the players are recordings in the same manner as the opponents in the episode race and Candy Royale



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,106

    There is evidence to support this in this thread:

    Cookiemae shared two screenshots of identical leaderboards one from her own game and one posted on social media: Same players, same scores except the player whose game it was. I don't see how those players can be real time opposition. (We had similar strange opponents who stopped advancing in "Beat the Buffet" and "Jelly Streak" when those events were first launched)

    Out of my opponents most stopped playing shortly after the race started on Monday morning. The opposition seems to be chosen so that we can get into the top three slots fairly easily but coming first is harder.

    So is it fair?

    I would argue that it probably is fairer than it would be if the other players were real. It's a controlled event now, controlled by King in the same manner as Factory Frenzy and the Episode Race. I just cannot figure out how the player cards fit in. Fake player cards are a concern to me.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,106
    edited January 27

    To test out if my theory hold up on this, take a note of your weekly race opposition at the start of the week and check if their scores and level increases later on in the week. In the past week I found that only two or three of the others were serious crushers, the other players did not advance in the game at all. So it should be possible for any player to end up on the podium in third place if you play as well as you did the last few weeks. If you want to get to first place you will probably have to crush more levels than you did the previous few weeks.

    King may have made these recent changes to stop nonsense scores in the thousands showing up in some players' races.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,106

    So this new week:

    My opponents are at levels: 130, 108, 79, 74, 71, 71, 71 . The last three have stopped playing altogether. The first two are a challenge. Exactly the same pattern as last week.

  • Deal_One
    Deal_One Posts: 478
    edited January 29

    I have similar to this also. All new players and one is really far ahead of everyone else. I will provide screenshot later.

  • MannyFae
    MannyFae Posts: 917

    My opponents (new game, Monday morning): 176, 214, 203, 244, 137, 124, 191. An active group, everyone plays, and I found myself in the last position this morning. The leader has won over 250 levels by now. He accepted my friend request and sent me a life when requested.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,106

    Interesting! Different test groups maybe? Yours seems to be real then.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,106

    So in all three of my current games I have opposition from levels under 200 only again. 15 out of 21 are from India. Out of those 5 are exactly at level 71. Strange. I have no doubt King will make this event more believable in the next few weeks. It does look to me like whatever they've done it seems to eliminate the nonsense scores and would appear to actually be an improvement in the event.

  • Nobody1
    Nobody1 Posts: 152

    Mine this week: 152, 133, 124, 94, 84, 71, 71. (I have 2 exactly at 71 as well!) Mostly from the US or South America, but one from Bangladesh. They are a lot more competitive to me this week; the highest one has 81 levels already in the competition.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,106

    These players on "level 71" that really seems odd, doesn't it? There seem to be a lot of players on exactly 71. Not all are from India, I've had some from the UK as well.

  • So my opponents in the Weekly Race are as follows 152, 131, 122, 113, 96, 84, and 71. It appears that the majority of my opponents are from the United States and have just started playing Candy Crush. Currently I am at level 16191. Have a great day 😊

    January 30, 2025 - 06:50 NST

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