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Level 1836 needs fixing - (Level has been fixed)!

christinewupp Posts: 11,005
edited February 28 in Support

I think this level needs to be looked at because it does not play the way that it was originally written. Chocolate was removed from this level a while ago. There used to be an algorithm that allowed the player to get the dragons to safety without them getting trapped in the corners while there was chocolate and I also did manage to pass it without using hand switches before the new fishes were introduced as well, but I cannot achieve that at all by any means now. I wonder if the fish change has now terminally broken this level.

@QueenB please could you ask them to look at this level. If nothing else this one would be perfect for someone to deliberately fail repeatedly to gain +255 extra moves and then collect thousands of purple candies before playing the hand switch to finish the level. I think King might prefer to prevent this method to collect lots of purple candies on one level, so this is probably an oversight and not deliberate.

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