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The new jelly fish ARE intelligent..... and here's why I think so



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,006
    edited February 28

    I would like to add here that in my game at least the new fish 100% go for: licorice shells and candy cakes. They can be relied on clearing those in such a manner that those levels have gotten really easy to beat. Which isn't necessarily a good thing, since passing levels is not what I play this game for. I play it to enjoy the challenge. Any level that is over in just two moves for whatever reason I don't like at all. I don't like the fact that these new fishes finish the "easy" levels too soon.

  • Milton_W
    Milton_W Posts: 19

    Level 2

    edited February 28

    Just because a completely different mechanic is blocking them from hitting the last jelly does not change the fact they are "smart"

    DUH. You are saying the fish are smart because they follow the algorithm.
    They used to do the useful thing, now they don't.

    As to the rest... You are an idiot.

    Some people actually complaining:

  • Nobody1
    Nobody1 Posts: 130

    The fish in both cases follow an algorithm. The obvious part of the algorithm was simple before the change: always favor jellies. There might have been more to the algorithm than "go random after that, if there are no more jellies", but if so, it wasn't terribly obvious. Now, there are a few more things they specifically favor in addition to jellies: candies under gummy dragons, licorice shells, candy cake pieces. But other than that, it seems mostly the same. They never seem to go for caramel, which is sometimes a real pain. And they seem to favor candies at the top of the screen over ones lower, which is particularly disappointing.

    Although they do target a few extra things now that you can make use of, overall they seem substantially inferior to the old ones. I definitely prefer the old ones, and find it hard to believe that the new ones can be any sort of overall improvement vs. the old ones with proper play. That being said, I guess it is true that the fish currently don't have all that much impact on play, so while I think this change made the game both more difficult and more unpleasant to play, I guess it's not really that bad - no worse than a number of other changes for the worse that they have made to the game. A bad change, but not bad enough to drive me away from the game yet.

  • Insertnicknamehere
    Insertnicknamehere Posts: 88

    Level 3

    Nobody covered it nicely.

    Basically what we have been trying to say is that new or old fish, you would not have passed that level as the algorithm would have stopped you. That first match? The algorithm gave you that match. Old fish hitting Jelly? Algorithm would have blocked it or there would have been no matches to make fish or any of a dozen different things the game could do.

    Also reddit? That is where critical thinking goes to die. Reddit's credibility is just slightly above X.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,006
    edited March 1

    Thank you for joining my discussion here. My choice of header was deliberately provocative as I wanted to stand out from the multitude of other fishy posts. Of course these fishes have flaws which still need to be ironed out by King.

    They are predictable enough on some levels to be of some use .

    Here is what I like about them and what makes them better than the old fish:

    1. Candy Cakes: The new fishes will definitely and reliably go for the slices of candy cakes. The old fishes did NOT reliably do this. They often used to go for spaces in the cake square that already had been cleared, which had no effect at all and did not even clear the jelly underneath. This was often complained about previously and with regards to candy cake the new fishes are quite definitely more useful!
    2. licorice shells: The new fishes will target these reliably and as a priority. This makes levels with licorice shells much easier to tackle.
    3. dragons: the new fishes will hit blockers underneath dragons . This won't always help to pass the level but it provides an alternative method to stripe/wrap combos for clearing spaces beneath dragons.

    With regards to the dragons I would like to add that the fishes clearing below dragons is probably an introduction to deliberately speed these levels up. I believe that King are on a mission to control the number of purple candies possible to score per level. They are sifting through and probably eliminating levels where a dragon can get trapped in an inaccessible space, such as level 1836. The speed with which the portals (that had been absent for years on this level!) were added to that level after I complained about it in Support was phenomenal. It was fixed within hours. The reason they are fixing these levels now is because the new fishes have been ordered by King to clear underneath dragons to bring levels to a premature end. This is likely in preparation for All Stars. King don't want players to be able to hide dragons and score thousands of points on one level and they probably want their bots to spot and eliminate such players from the competition. To do this King need to know exactly how many purple we can score per level and I don't think it is a coincidence that the scores per episodes are becoming more and more similar now. Go-to cascading levels that can be drawn out to produce high scores are getting rarer. I believe that King use the new fish to eliminate these one by one. We used to be able to achieve high scores on some levels by deliberately NOT detonating a candy cake, a last licorice shell or leaving blockers underneath dragons. These fishes are King's minions.

    Here is what is bad about the new fishes:

    1. They only clear one jelly not three. Naturally that's bad
    2. Fish combos with wraps and stripes are useless. This is the most upsetting to most players as the old fishes were quite good for this. Many levels would be passed using a fish/wrap combo but this is no longer the case.So understandably such a major change in the algorithm and strategy upsets people

    Okay, so how useless exactly are they? This is something I've come to wonder as I'm playing these combos just to test out where the new singular fish/wrap or fish/stripe will go. I seem to have found that where the combos hit is a good early indication as to whether we will pass of fail the level. I know that some of us can tell anyway after just a few moves if we have a lucky board or not, but the fishes help with that as well. If the fish/wrap combo flies off to a nonsense spot then assuredly we know that this will not be a lucky board and the algorithm is set to "fail". For me this will tell me to play my party popper early, so I can use this information. A party popper played at the right moment can change which end of level path the algorithm will go. For others this information might mean don't waste boosters or gold on this level as this one is a "thou shall not pass" one.

    Equally, if the singular fish/wrap combo goes for a good place where it will explode with some effect I have found that I am likely to get an end of level sequence I can pass with minimal effort. So I am starting to wonder if we can use these fishes to predict end of level outcome.

  • JamesAvery
    JamesAvery Posts: 23

    Level 3

    Jelly fish boosters pretty much go with the level design. They work based on the difficulty, so adjusting expectations can help you get the most out of them.

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