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🎬️ Video ads disappearing or not available



  • lovisek1996
    lovisek1996 Posts: 8

    Level 2

    MFor example, the boosters for the rewards and life ads only appeared once in maybe 5 years. Why do you say it works for all the other fans and not for me? Aren't I also entitled to a reward?🥺😭

  • Ccallstars
    Ccallstars Posts: 497

    Hi there.

    It seems the ads offering extra moves in Candy Crush Saga have been removed or are no longer available, as many players have reported a similar issue. Players have noticed that the option to watch ads for additional moves or other gifts has vanished from the game.

    While the reason for this change isn't officially stated, it's possible that the developers have made a decision to remove or alter this feature.

    If you're looking for ways to get more moves, you can try waiting for the in-game timer to replenish your moves, or consider purchasing additional moves or lives.

    Thank you and have a sodalicious day.

    It’s Sodalicious!

  • jockley
    jockley Posts: 1

    Level 1

    pode manda vídeo pra mim por gentileza obrigado meu irmão obrigado boa tarde

  • Zdeni1
    Zdeni1 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Dobrý den, je mi líto ale také jsem dostávala reklamy a tahy na víc,ale od té doby co jsem do hry dala docela dost peněz, reklamy a tahy na víc mi zmizely, některým mím známím tyto věci stále fungují jen né mě, takže bohužel už do Candy nedám ani korunu, je mi líto , hra mě bavila ale bohužel to není vůbec spravedlivé, když někteří výhody mají a někteří ne, takže by se měl někdo zamyslet a změnit to všem.

  • debs92
    debs92 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Grazie mille per la chiarezza... È successo anche a me, negli ultimi giorni non appaiono quasi mai, e se le visualizzo, spesso dopo aver visto l annuncio o si blocca e esce dal gioco oppure e come se non l avessi visto, non dandomi né booster né vite, adesso so che ci sono lavori che creano malfunzionamento e non è solo il mio a fr male… grazie mille

  • 3sons
    3sons Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I have been playing for years and Always had video ads available, now they have disappeared, I don't know if they lost sponsors or they are just being greedy and forcing people to buy boosters and extra moves. I am so disappointed, I can't afford to buy what I need to pass a level. So sad

  • Jumpery
    Jumpery Posts: 93

    Level 3

  • abdalmajeedalsaidy
    abdalmajeedalsaidy Posts: 25

    Level 3

    Show the level of play on the pictures

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