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πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈπŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ How are YOU preparing for All Stars?



  • Jugador17
    Jugador17 Posts: 88

    Level 3

    Tengo una pregunta con eso que mencionas de las cuentas. Que es lo que tΓΊ dices que no debe hacerse? . Yo tenΓ­a una sola cuenta co mΓ‘s de 15.000 lingotes y me sale como que no puedo acceder al ALLSTAR sin haber hecho nada mal. Que dices tu christinewupp de iniciar cesiΓ³n o no de tu cuenta que te pasΓ³. No entiendo

  • GiggzZz
    GiggzZz Posts: 31

    Level 3

    edited March 16

    Good morning.

    @QueenB I also don't have the warmup collection event nor the Allstars event hub. I invested a lot of hours preparing for this event, accumulating gold bars and saving boosters. Unfortunately I don't have access and it seems like it's something done on purpose, as Christine had the same problem.

    Can you please help me resolve the problem?

    Account ID 14976926891

  • DragonExpress
    DragonExpress Posts: 23

    Level 3

    Stocking up on boosters 🍬


    No warmup event.

    New acc, oppened 134 days ago, preparing for the AllStars by the book. Playing 1 to 3 episodes a day, watching ads, etc.

    It's great King is removing the cheaters from events like this but in this case looks like they are removing all the accounts that are playing well.

  • Pyrospring
    Pyrospring Posts: 87

    Level 3

    For those not getting the warm up, the groups might already be decided and the warm up is only activating for the initial group not the second group later in the week.

    Complete guess on my part but this IS King we are talking about, this would be par for the course for them.

  • morganleeoregon
    morganleeoregon Posts: 15

    Level 2

    Stocking up on boosters 🍬

    @cookiemae I think you have a good chance of getting to the live final. I don't know if you remember me, but we use to chat on reddit.

    I still think you maybe the best player I've ever encountered. The fact that you play fast and don't use boosters, your skills are unmatched.

    Did you switch to iPhone or android? Are you still playing on Windows.

  • mpvp
    mpvp Posts: 11

    Level 2

    Practicing my leaderboard skills πŸ“Š

    Me gusta estoy pasando niveles

  • jkoo1923
    jkoo1923 Posts: 13

    Level 2

    I was born ready! Bring it on πŸ‘‘

  • LoFiGummy
    LoFiGummy Posts: 2,892

    Just wanted to chime in that while no one can replace @QueenB we other Community Managers are of course also around to keep track of things, All Stars is a huge event for everyone at King and we'll try to help to the best of our abilities! πŸ™

  • GiggzZz
    GiggzZz Posts: 31

    Level 3


    The best way to help us would be to do a concrete analysis for these 6-7 Community members who have already reported not having the All Stars event active (me included). No one gives us a concrete answer, as to why the event is not active in the accounts and if there is any expectation of a soon resolution.

  • cookiemae
    cookiemae Posts: 1,270
    Stocking up on boosters 🍬

    @morganleeoregon Thanks for the compliment. Having a chance for the live finals would be nice I have missed it the last two times. Playing straight for so many hours killed my hands last year. I still play on Windows. I it seems am blocked from the all stars on my main account. I don't have the warmup but my second account is good that's the one I will play the all stars on. We will see if I make it. Lol πŸ˜†

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?