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Will All Stars be fair in 2025?

christinewupp Posts: 11,316
edited March 16 in Discussions

(Ok, so this thread might be fodder for the angry mob, but I'll start it anyway with my personal opinion. This is an opinion only: I am NOT King staff, but I have studied and analysed the game over the past two years and I've seen a leaked copy of the Terms and Conditions)

Will All Stars be fair?



  1. Most of the world is excluded. South America is partly included, but would need to gain a visa at short notice if they won, so in practice they can't win any money as they can't travel to the live finals
  2. King seem to exclude a lot of honest eligible players for reasons unknown. If they don't fix this with an update next week a lot of top long standing players including members of this community will be excluded simply because they have been too good at passing levels and at hoarding gold bars
  3. King control what events players get and are likely to use events to help some players' progress while blocking others. They have practised and tested these methods for the past twelve months: King have rewritten levels 1-3000 to aid new players to compete. They have introduced the super colour bomb, simplified and dumbed down lots of levels all along the game and changed the fish mechanics for this purpose. The super colour bomb plus top win streak plus starting boosters is now very powerful and can allow anyone to match the speed of top players. King can now control our games by either granting access or denying access to the super colour bomb booster and timed boosters from events. It is speculation on my part of course that they will use this to control outcomes.
  4. King have taken huge steps in recent months to try to eliminate "unfair play" during this competition. Although this now probably means that in theory anyone can win if they spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on boosters I do predict that King's control mechanisms will kick out a significant number of innocents along the way as well
  5. Certain level ranges are not suitable for All Stars due to the slow nature of opening up the board. Players near the top of the game cannot score enough points quickly enough to compete in the final rounds

To win All Stars players will need:

  • to be able to play non-stop 24 hours for the final round 26th-27th April 2025
  • to be able to score around 150,000-200,000 purple per hour (i.e. play 3-4 episodes per hour)
  • be lucky: There are thousands of other players who can achieve this

In practice the above means that players will need to either have a lot of boosters and/or gold bars already saved up or spend a LOT of money. Even those who do will have only a tiny chance of getting to the live finals. Watching adverts won't help anyone in the final knockout rounds at all as it is too time consuming

To any would-be cheaters or anyone who has not been around in the past year or seen the Terms and Conditions yet:

I have read in the leaked Terms and Conditions that there will be a cap on the amount of purple scored per level this year and that trying methods to exceed this capped score will be regarded as "unfair play". This means that anyone using the dragon hiding techniques is likely to be eliminated by automated systems. King have now tight control over how much each player can score on each level. King know our gold balance, King know our spending history. King know which level we are playing. King will input all this information into computers to eliminate cheaters, but at the same time King can tightly control which players will get to the final round as well.

All Stars is not a lottery.

All Stars is not a competition to find the best player or strategist.

All Stars is an event designed to make money from masses of naive players who think they stand a chance to win money by "investing" in their games with purchases

On those grounds I think the event is not a fair event.



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,316
    edited March 16

    In addition to point 3 above: There is another way how King can control our chances of winning by the events they place into our games:

    I have run the following test: I played episode levels 2346-2360 at my best speed using boosters and super colour bomb. I used a stopwatch to time how long it took me from the "play" button to the "tap to skip" button. The whole episode took me 7 minutes. My best time including all the animations in between "tap to skip" and "play" had been 13 minutes. This shows that King can control to a significant degree how fast we can play and therefore how fast players can score by the events and animations they place into our games. Again, this is theoretical and I have no way of knowing if they actually do this. But they certainly can, just by tweaking our events.

  • GiggzZz
    GiggzZz Posts: 35

    Level 3

    King is not allowing players that won lots of gold bars to enter the event, otherwise i would have the event active…They must have a trigger ir something to Kick those players .if i had spend money on the bars, Im preety sure the event was active. Its a shame, for those who really like the game and invest hours playing.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,316

    I agree. Let's not be hasty. There is still time for those currently not seeing the purple stars to get included in the event. I'm hoping there will be an update early next week that will allow all players from the correct countries to participate.

  • GiggzZz
    GiggzZz Posts: 35

    Level 3

    I know, but your candy crush theme should be already Allstars. Im sending a screenshot of my mobile fone and a screenshot of my wife phone.

  • zeus77
    zeus77 Posts: 131

    Hi @christinewupp so basically king has total control over who can participate in finals as well as who can win. I agree with what you mentioned here. First 3000 levels i zoomed so fast. But around 4800 levels it's becoming tough. It took me 2.5 weeks to finish two episodes race which is pretty low. I do not want to waste my gold bars and paying real money isn't a option at all. But atlast king won and my gold bars are dwindling(if I don't win in first attempt then the subsequent retries are way too hard to win, so I give up and pay gold bars). I won top that 100 gold bars of which i paid 70 to win two and half episode race. Even the levels without skull is very tough to win. Not to mention I feel like the moves are pretty less to win levels.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,316
    edited March 18

    Right folks, I feel the end is nigh.

    Firstly I would like to apologise to all my friends who are not seeing the All Stars event. It is quite possible that I am to blame for this. King monitor this community and undoubtedly I am on their radar and have been all through 2024 since the last All Stars. My analyses and recommendations have not gone unnoticed and I suspect that they have played a part in the way that many of my friends and many of the best players are not seeing the All Stars event this week.

    It may be a coincidence of course but this much seems to be likely:

    King are excluding players who they think may stand a chance of winning or whom they suspect of having cheated. I know for a fact with 100% certainty that in the case of my Cornflower game they were mistaken if they assumed the account had used cheats or taken advantage of glitches. Therefore I assume that many other innocent and honest players have been excluded simply on these grounds:

    1. They are surviving at the end of the map and not spending a fortune. King believe this is not possible by the way their algorithsm work so they assume that players who are gaining gold without spending money must be using glitches as "not intended by the game". My Poppy account is one of these. It has gone from around 40 gold to over 2000 in the past months. This probably raises a few red flags at King's, and to be honest, quite rightly so in the case of Poppy. There are however definitely ways for non cheaters to survive at the end of the map such as watching lots of ads. If the merging of new player accounts with an existing account is now deemed "unfair play" even though previously there was no such rule then this would exclude a lot of end of map players by default. A lot hinges on what King define as "unfair play" and they don't even share their definition with us nor do they state clearly what they mean by this.

    2.They have a lot of gold bars saved in their accounts and making more gold without spending money . This is where Cornflower got caught up in the unfair exclusion system.

    Too many of my community friends @MannyFae, @Colleen Companion Welsh, @Carol-38, @cookiemae, and those who have joined in my threads and analyses like @Nobody1 and @GiggzZz have fallen foul of one or the other of those two apparent exclusion criteria. I am not sure if I want to compete in a competition where the best players are excluded. What seems to be the point? Playing against a bunch of newcomers to the game with a stash of gold bars seems unfair in the light of this, no matter how honestly the gold was earned and saved up. If I spend my gold bars to compete then the other players will have to spend cash to keep up and I am not sure if my ethics will allow me to do this.

    Before it's even started this whole tournament seems doomed to be unfair.

    My declaration is: Cornflower made gold by playing slowly, carefully and taking advantage of all the events in the game plus some rewards gained from this community (600 gold came from the Help a Newbie thread, which was one reason I contacted QueenB about it. King's exclusion bots may not have taken money earned from the community into their calculations). Cornflower also made gold through the gold chocolate box, which can be filled by using UFOs from adverts which show up if we fail old levels. The gold chocolate box is infinite with no time delay, so in theory I would have been able to amass much more gold than I have, if I could have been bothered to just concentrate on this one account and watch loads of adverts. I don't consider this method a glitch or unfair play. If King wanted players to not gain gold from the chocolate box this way they should put in a time delay or remove the ability to pass older levels with ads (I can't see the point of this for any player). I don't think King track how many adverts we watch nor how many boosters we have in our accounts. I don't think they can.

    We should all have spent our gold and filled up our coffers with boosters instead. Some players may have done this and they will probably win the tournament that way. I wish I'd have foreseen this and advised accordingly. So lastly I am sorry to have posted all this nonsense advice about how to make gold and saving up for the "Big One".

    Here is my starting point.

    Two devices above are iPad and iPhone. (The timed boosters are from opening the game just now and the daily treat machine firing off)

    @QueenB , @PummyRaj

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,246

    So are you considering not bothering with All Stars @christinewupp must admit even if I did have it I wouldn't be participating. It's something King have found that's makes them mega bucks and that's fine they need to make money, but I don't have the time, energy or fascination of being part of it. I'd much rather just play my game as and when I want and not have the extra stress of Leaderboards. Guess there are many who already have a plan, and I say good luck to them 🙃

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,316
    edited March 18

    Hi guys, since my last post we have now had an official reply from Admin. Check out the post by Snowrider here:

    I am really not sure now if I want to participate here or not. Clearly the King bots did consider my own Cornflower inventory to be "suspicious" until QueenB intervened. I am pretty outraged at the exclusion criteria no 2:

    1️⃣ Test Groups – Even if you're in an eligible country, some players may not be included due to testing limitations.
    2️⃣ Account Inventory – To prevent unfair play, the system may block accounts flagged as potentially suspicious based on inventory activity.
    3️⃣ Using a VPN – If you're connected to a VPN, it might interfere with event eligibility.
    4️⃣ Device Time Settings – Changing your device's time settings to a date outside of the tournament period can also cause issues.

    I might have been wrong in my assumption that King use our gold balance rather than our inventories to judge who is "suspicious". Clearly they know and use both! So the recent change you noted to how boosters get added to our inventories was real @MannyFae and was part of King's control systems. They do keep track of our boosters through their Big Brother cookies now. Whether I bother to compete in this tournament or not, one thing is for sure: I won't be playing any Candy Crush after All Stars is over.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,316
    edited March 18

    Here an excerpt from the Terms and Conditions (*my highlight)

    4.6. Unfair Play: King strives to provide a fun and fair gaming experience for all. While King cannot undertake an obligation or duty to eliminate unfair play entirely from the Tournament, King maintains a zero-tolerance policy against unfair play and *this applies (without limitation) to any unfair play done prior to the Tournament as well as during the Tournament. King may review gameplay and Tournament play in an effort to ensure fair play and will actively remove Participants from the Tournament and/or require Participants to forfeit any Prize(s) where we reasonably believe they have violated these All Stars Rules and/or the Terms of Use. King reserves the right to exclude any Participant or require the Participant to forfeit any Prize where King reasonably suspects that such Participant engaged in unfair play at any point, whether by a breach of the above Equipment rules or any other method. For avoidance of doubt, unfair play includes (without limitation):

    4.6.1. Using or taking advantage of any exploit or vulnerability in CCS which is not expressly authorized by us, or would reasonably be considered to not have been intended by us (in each case, whether accomplished using hardware, software, a combination thereof, or otherwise);

    4.6.2. Sharing your Player Account with anybody else without King’s express written consent;

    4.6.3. Using automated means or third party software to play CCS or engage in the Tournament, or to otherwise circumvent technological measures designed to control access to, or elements of, CCS and/or the Tournament;

    4.6.4. Use of bots; i.e. any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by King, that allows the automated control of CCS or the Tournament (or any part of these);

    4.6.5. Hacking; i.e. accessing or modifying the software of CCS or the Tournament in any manner not expressly authorized by King;

    4.6.6. Use or engagement with any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by King, that can be used in connection with CCS or the Tournament and/or any component or feature thereof which changes and/or facilitates the gameplay or other functionality;

    4.6.7 Simultaneously playing the same instance of CCS or the Tournament on multiple devices or multiple tabs in a browser;

    4.6.8. Use of any VPN or any other method to inaccurately indicate your location is different from your true location; and/or

    4.6.9. Taking any action or engaging with the Tournament in a manner that would be reasonably considered against the spirit of fair play.

    *Means essentially that anyone who ever used any glitches in the game to get a few extra boosters can be excluded by King.

    I was planning to participate using my clean account that has never failed in any of the rules above since its creation.

    But I do also have a test account that King apparently are allowing to participate, which I started a few weeks ago, has reached level 2300 with more than 6000 gold bars and has done nothing but take advantage of exploits and vulnerabilities unintended by King to get there! If King can't do their job to track and eliminate pre level 3000 players who cheat then what right have they to eliminate all the long standing, experienced and loyal players who know a trick or two to beat the game by glitches and loopholes that King have not bothered to get rid of?

    I rest my case: All Stars 2025 is NOT fair.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?