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Cheats and Hacks Killing Contests



  • candycrusher77
    candycrusher77 Posts: 20

    Level 3

    This person already has 29 thousand. I understand that you can play level 3309 over and over. However, if you are not at that level, it is impossible to win this contest when you are playing against people that can play level 3309.
  • JuliaM
    JuliaM Posts: 60

    Level 3

    If I'm falling behind, I play 1055. It's super fast and easy to win. I added about 1100 bombs in an hour (played 60 times, lost 15 times). I'm at the end of available episodes, so I have to go back to previous games in order to compete. If you are willing to play the same game over and over and over, I don't see how that is cheating. I consider cheating to be using a bot. I'm going to give 3309 a shot next 😊 Thanks for the tip, SagaR and Elsa!
  • JuliaM
    JuliaM Posts: 60

    Level 3

    Ok, 3309 is awesome. Played for 10 minutes, got 540 color bombs. Had to play it 6 times though, so it's not easy on lives. My friend has 265 million points on it; wonder how many color bombs that earned her?  😂😂
  • piglet301
    piglet301 Posts: 36

    Level 3

    Dang, the secret is out!  I'm  just worried that King might change 3309 or change the contest that only new level wins count.  The former would be a bummer because it's such a fun level and I have been in the space race when obviously another player is using 3309 as well and it's great.  In the last few hours, each of us was waiting for the other to give up and spring another load of bombs as close to the end as possible.  I finally gave up when I had to go to bed, sure I was safe, ahead by over a thousand and less than an hour to play. Ha! When I checked in the morning, my competitor had swooped in and beat me by less than 20 bombs.  I wasn't upset, after all I was trying the exact same tactic, just have to tip your cap and hope to have another go at each other.  I agree with others that say only those on similar levels in the game should be put in a race together.

    One tip about level 3309:  never hit "tap to skip" once you win the game.  This will give 200 to 300 bombs typically, but if you let it ride you get many more.  The first time I just let it go, I got over 3,300 bombs, and this was without the 10x multiplier.
  • ernstbln
    ernstbln Posts: 297
    how do you go back to a previous level and have the color bombs show up ?

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Hi @ernstbln, you would scroll down to a lower level if your progress was higher than this level that we're talking about.
  • ernstbln
    ernstbln Posts: 297
    i did scroll down but only tiny amount of color bombs showed up in contest when i actually got 650 of them 

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