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stuck on level 1079

I'm starting the level with only 35 moves. The 3 ingredients aren't all dropping. I am getting a drop at move 20 and 5. I even added 5 more moves and still no 3rd drop. Google is telling me the candies drop at move 35, 20 and 5 and there should be 50 moves. I could do it in less if all 3 ingredients appear...but they aren't regardless of how quickly I'm dropping the 2 that do. 


  • dakotabluebaby
    dakotabluebaby Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Well, it changed. Now I have 40 moves and drops at 25 and 10. Still no 3rd ingredient. 
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,946
    @dakotabluebaby - your game only gives you 35 moves?  I am past that level but just now I went back down to it and it is showing me 50 moves.  I just replayed it and sure enough the first cherry dropped at 35 moves, the second at 20 and the last at 5.  Sounds like there is a glitch with your game. Can you take a screen shot of the beginning of the game to show there are only 35 moves?  Then I would make sure you have the latest version of CCS and you have cleared your cache.  If that doesn't help then I would exit the game, turn off your platform (for example your phone - if you are playing on your phone) and then turn it back on again and see if that helps.  If you still have the same problem, send an email to support with the screenshot and tag one of the superstars (maybe @Elsa) or the community manager (@JellyJenny).
  • dakotabluebaby
    dakotabluebaby Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Here's the current SS since it changed to 40 moves and drop at 25 & 10. I did restart my computer. Not sure how to clear catch for desktop. 
  • Achearr
    Achearr Posts: 11
    Hi! Thank you for bringing this to our attention! 
    We are sending out a fix for this level soon, please reply if the problem persists.
    Otherwise, happy crushing!  B)
  • krose23
    krose23 Posts: 3

    Level 1


    I’m having problems with this level now. I get 50 moves but the cherries only drop at 30 and 10. So I never pass as I don’t get the third cherry by the time I run out of moves.
    I’ve been having this issue for a couple of days now.

  • defenestr8or
    defenestr8or Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Same issue - using a Galaxy S7 - third cherry never drops.
  • k31513
    k31513 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Having the same problem 😭 have spent so much money on getting extra moves and it just doesn’t come down... HELP
  • k31513
    k31513 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    edited July 2019
    cherries are dropping at 30 and 10 but he third isn’t coming down. Using iPhone 7+. Have restarted it and everything 😭
  • krose23
    krose23 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Please help. It is still not working and I’ve waited for a couple of days to see if it will work again and it doesn’t.
  • k31513
    k31513 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    second that Krose23. I have deleted the game and reinstalled it but still nothing. Please help. Getting very frustrating 

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?