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Eliminating Reset

Ackor Posts: 25

Level 3

Hey, thanks for not allowing players to continue to reset a game by going out and coming back in to a new shuffle.  Now we are stuck with what we are given at the outset.  One of the few chances to use your boosters to help you and you take it away.  Thanks a million. 


  • BieneMaja
    BieneMaja Posts: 6

    Level 2

    As of yesterday I’m not able to reset the board by leaving the game anymore. 
    I get the same board after every exit! In order to get a new board I have to actually play the level. This is horrible as you can’t combine boosters and there’s also a good chance you lose your bot/winning streak. 

    Does anyone have the same problem? I’m desperate...
    *playing on iOS, newest update of candy crush•
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,546
    Hi @BieneMaja, I'm not sure what you mean by reset so I'll write down what I think you mean but correct me if I'm wrong.  By reset, do you mean that you open the game, do not like the level and close it?  Then try to reopen it again but you have lost a life?  The studio changed that reset quite a while ago where you can no longer do this without losing a life.  Please let me know if this is what you meant.  If not, please give me more details.
  • BieneMaja
    BieneMaja Posts: 6

    Level 2

    No, that’s not what I mean, let me explain :)
    I start a game, do not like my board, so I close it and start it again. I do NOT lose a life in the process, however, I get the same board every time - i.e. the same colored candies are always in the same spot, the boosters are always in the exact same spot, etc. 
    So I cannot “reset“ the board any more :( 
  • bkarora
    bkarora Posts: 15

    Level 2

    Till yesterday, I was able to reset my board by going back and reloading the game. It is not working today. Everytime I go back and reload game, I get the same board. Why so? Has king withdrawn the arrangement?
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,546
    Wow that I never saw before!  I am going to tag @Jelly Jenny who is the community moderator.  I want her to read your message and check with the studio to find out what's going on.  Thanks for the update!
  • Johan_Thunberg
    Johan_Thunberg Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Same here, got new levels today (Android). Can no longer reset board layout by starting/exiting level. Layout is now fixed, even if the game is killed and restarted the same layout comes up = colors and special candies in the exact same location.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,546
    edited May 2019
    Wow @Johan_Thunberg, that is some change in the game.  I am totally surprised about you guys reporting this.  I wonder why they did it.  I tagged @Jelly Jenny so maybe she can find out more from the studio.

    A member of my Facebook group just wrote to say that she has had it for 3 days now.  WOW!
  • Jelly_Jenny
    Jelly_Jenny Posts: 1,884
    Hi all! 

    Yes, just like Elsa mentioned, a while ago there was a change to resetting of the board that you cannot reset it without losing a life. You now have the same feature as well with just a little variation to it. 
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,546
    Hi all! 

    Yes, just like Elsa mentioned, a while ago there was a change to resetting of the board that you cannot reset it without losing a life. You now have the same feature as well with just a little variation to it. 
    I knew about the losing of the life when you backed out of the game and tried the level again, but now they are not changing the layout?  So players can no longer back out and go back in to get a new layout?  WOW!
  • tback
    tback Posts: 8

    Level 2

    I just noticed the same issue using iphone. I am sick and tired of the “constant changing” of the game. Leave the DARN thing alone already!  If we didn’t like it as it has been, we wouldn’t still be playing it. They are not making improvements to the game, they are simply making things harder, trying to force people to buy things. Sorry King, it won’t work here, but then you don’t really care what we have to say anyway. I also don’t understand why so many different versions across different platforms. The fun was removed from the game a while back, time to remove myself. 

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?