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Timed Sugar Drops

bearwithme Posts: 16,929
edited July 2019 in Discussions
Now that King appears to have restored sugar drops to the players who had temporarily lost them, it appears that King has decided to try out a new twist to collecting sugar drops and that is by having them timed.  I am unfortunately in that group and it appears that some of the people who had lost their sugar drops are also in this group.  I decided to start this discussion so that people could talk about this new version and provide feedback to King and the community moderator @Jelly Jenny.
I personally do not like this new change.  I don't find it useful at all.  By the time I collect all the sugar drops, half the boosters will have expired.  I would collect drops daily to help me complete the new levels that are released every Wednesday, but collecting daily now with the timed drops just to complete old levels makes no sense and appears to be a waste of my time.  I just hope they bring back the original  version very soon!  I have included a screen shot for those people who still have the original sugar drops.


  • Lindsey_Ash
    Lindsey_Ash Posts: 68

    Level 3

    I am I this group too. I lost my sugar drops for 6 weeks and now I have them back but they are all timed so by the time I collect the sugar drops all the boosters have expired so it is like not having any at all. Often I will collect sugar drops then stop playing for a few hours and then go back later to play so King timing them is not going to work. I can't believe after not having them for 6 weeks now this is what they are doing. King!!! Please take timers off boosters. I won't be wasting my time even collecting sugar drops until timers are taken away.
  • Lindsey_Ash
    Lindsey_Ash Posts: 68

    Level 3

    I have to say also that King, you are not making candy crush a very good and pleasing experience, it is just really annoying and as I said there is no point to the timers.
  • adylanfan
    adylanfan Posts: 30

    Level 3

    What I cannot get to grips with is why are the same players, who had their sugar drop levels removed originally, and then after having them reinstalled, are now having the boosters timed. Why is King doing this? 
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,929
    Actually @adylanfan - I always had the regular sugar drops and now I have the timed ones and I know some of the ones who lost them now have the old version back.  I have no idea how they 'randomly' choose who is in the various test groups, but it does seem unfair that some of the people who totally lost their drops now just have the timed version.  Maybe King wants to see how those people feel going from no drops to timed drops as opposed to someone like me who had drops and now just has timed drops.  (I'm just speculating here).
  • adylanfan
    adylanfan Posts: 30

    Level 3

    Interesting “bear with me” - could it also be possible that the stash of boosters in players inventories and the levels they are on effects Kings’ decision making.
  • beccasdad
    beccasdad Posts: 55

    Level 3

    I never lost sugar drops, but I was switched to the timed boosters a couple of days ago.  As "bearwithme" says, they are useless.  Not to mention you cannot get hammers and hand-switches at all. Not an improvement.
  • Bianco_Kong
    Bianco_Kong Posts: 96

    Level 3

    I just played old level for the sugar drops, my inventory did not receive any credit.   I only get 15 min times booster.  It will not help me to challenge the new level in the future, The driving force behind play hard is save boosters.
    Now, The situation is like when I am full (no food needed), but you give me "limited time food". The food disappears within 15 minutes. It is really ridiculous and nothing to use, I like the original version, boosters can be stored, free to use.
  • Christina_S
    Christina_S Posts: 5

    Level 2

    I also never lost the SD, but was only able to play for them with Firefox,
    Safari did not work. Now a couple of days ago suddenly all boosters were timed and there were no more hand switches and hammers to win. This is a bad move from King, since collecting SDs now is completely useless. They should know that some levels in the new episodes are impossible to pass without boosters, even the most skilled players have to use them for their YT-videos. So this has to be another trick by King to force people buying boosters after all the stored ones are used up. They are about to ruin this game for good. Please put back the normal boosters and remove the timed ones!
  • addym
    addym Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I agree with the comments regarding the timed boosters now obtained by the sugar drop challenge. They are of no value whatsoever whilst the previous system of collecting the bonuses allowed the choice of usage plus that bonus would reappear during the course of the level. The timed ones occur once. Further, it would appear there are no longer the hammers and switches available arguably the most important of the bonuses. This would seem to be an extremely pointless change of no benefit whatsoever, in fact the opposite, ultimately limiting player's options.
  • Lindsey_Ash
    Lindsey_Ash Posts: 68

    Level 3

    I agree with all of u regarding timed boosters. They are totally useless to me as by the time I collect my sugar drops the time has run out on the boosters. There is no point to them. After 6 weeks of having no sugar drops to now this...timed boosters...this is really upsetting. It seems like King is jerking us around. If this is what they are going to keep doing then I will find another game to play.
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