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Timed Sugar Drops



  • meeganjane
    meeganjane Posts: 34

    Level 3

    I have also moved to timed rewards today - boooooooooo King! What an awful and useless thing to do. I have also lost the Space Race on my account, it never showed today, not on my iPhone, ipad, Chrome, Edge or Firefox. I am really unimpressed that you take the top players and remove all of their boosters. Please restore us to how It was.
  • Debbie-5
    Debbie-5 Posts: 303
    Yep, I too have the timed boosters....Such a waste of my time to play lower levels now.   This change just might be what I've needed to quit playing CC all together.   Just play new levels released and when the boosters are gone....their well as game play. 
  • knitsafghans
    knitsafghans Posts: 59

    Level 3

    edited June 2019
    This is sad but I realized there is still just a slight incentive for midweek play.   If you are in a period where you have ‘watch video for spin’ you can still earn boosters in lieu of extra moves by losing, spinning and Not getting extra moves.      Not inspiring.    Sugar drops much better.   
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,948
    I got a response from the community moderator @Jelly Jenny and she confirmed that we are in the group of testers and that King is looking at different ways to tweak the game and keep it interesting.  Obviously this is NOT the way to do it!  I used to collect sugar drops twice a day - not only for the hammers and switches but also to have a nice supply of the other boosters too because when I am faced with a really hard level - I blast it with everything I've got so I can pass it (hopefully the first time).  

    Your feedback is invaluable and is actually what King is looking for so please keep posting and let your voices be heard.  This is the only way we will have a chance to get rid of the timed sugar drops and get the original ones back.  The Community Moderator is passing our feedback to King and the game developers so keep posting!

    In the meantime, since you aren't collecting sugar drops like you used to - there is a great contest (spread throughout all 14 games) where you can win 100 gold bars if you solve all 14 puzzles!  Please check it out here:
  • Lindsey_Ash
    Lindsey_Ash Posts: 68

    Level 3

    this is not fair, I was in the first group that didn't get sugar drops for 6 weeks and now I am in this group for timed boosters. wow! The least King could do is pick a different group of people not the same group. This is BS.
  • adylanfan
    adylanfan Posts: 30

    Level 3

    Likewise -  “Lindsey_Ash” I too am being penalised twice, I have also had candy quest removed from my devices. I’m not far off from “jacking” CS in for good! 

  • adylanfan
    adylanfan Posts: 30

    Level 3

    Likewise - “Lindsey_Ash” I too am being penalised twice. I have also had candy quest removed from my devices. I am so close to “jacking” in CS for good!
  • gatorcrunch
    gatorcrunch Posts: 19

    Level 2

    Allowing us to earn regular boosters on old levels is the only way to keep it interesting.  Otherwise, why would we want to be playing those old levels again and again?  
  • José_Savelkoul
    José_Savelkoul Posts: 572
    edited June 2019
    Here's the Dutch lady again. I'll try to keep it short. I agree with all complaints already at this thread, what you're doing just is insane. Now I've got a couple of questions for you. Are you really prepared to lose this game after you have paid a huge amount to buy it, Activision? When will you finally wake up from your hibernation? Please do show your loyal players that you care, before it's really too late. Listen to us please, please do hear (read) the frustration. I hope you'll turn it back again to the way it was, I hope I can count on you. Please???
    Have a nice evening...
  • Karen123
    Karen123 Posts: 126
    Timed sugar drops are dreadful. I won’t be playing to get them anymore.
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