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Unknown error message

TamFreeSpirit Posts: 6 Level 2
I keep getting an unknown error message when I try to log into my king account from my app. I've tried changing the password and I still get the same message. I am able to sign in from other devices. Please advise, thanks


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 34,897 Candy Moderator
    edited June 2019
    Hello @TamFreeSpirit, Hearty Welcome to the Candy Crush section of our friendly King Community :)

    I am sorry to hear that you are having this issue in your game!!  Is this happening on your Laptop or iPad?  Will it be possible for you to provide some screenshots with the issue?

    Once you provide more details, we will be able to assist you further :+1:

    ** TO reply back, please tap on "Type your Comment" box located below!  Looking forward to hear from you.  Have a nice day/evening!
  • TamFreeSpirit
    TamFreeSpirit Posts: 6 Level 2
    I am unable to take a screenshot as it disappears too fast. I dug a little further and it  seems it has me logged in but not synced. So I tried logging out but it says no internet connection. So I went to permissions and it doesn't allow me to add any as it says none required.
    If I reinstall the app I will lose my boosters. What are my options please?
    Thank you

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 34,897 Candy Moderator
    Thank you for your quick reply @TamFreeSpirit :+1: 

    By any chance, do you remember what the "Error" message says?  I understood that you have logged into the game through King account.... do you have a Facebook account too?

    Are you seeing the message that "you are not synced" in the Home page screen?  Will it be possible for you to show that screenshot?

    Yes, you are right!  If you re-install the App, you will be loosing all your saved up boosters --  But, it will be ONLY on that particular device.  You said the game is fine on your other devices.... so, you will not be loosing any of your boosters on them as they are stored on the device memory but not in the game :+1:
  • TamFreeSpirit
    TamFreeSpirit Posts: 6 Level 2

    One is when I try to log out of the king account
    The other is when I try to log in by facebook

  • TamFreeSpirit
    TamFreeSpirit Posts: 6 Level 2
    This is in my app settings and it doesn't let me change it

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