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Are you losing moves as you play your level?

_Elsa_ Posts: 36,741 Sweet Legend
edited July 2019 in Support
I have noticed a couple of players commenting in the community saying that they are losing moves as they play a level.
@Dbag and @Aerialdan, both of you have recently mentioned this in a support message.  Could you please give us more details as to what is going on?  Are they specific levels, and if so, which levels?  Or is it just happening often in your game?  Are you playing on a mobile device or computer?  If device, which model?

Could someone please create a video showing this so that we can elevate it to the studio?  Also I am going to tag @Jelly Jenny who is the Community Moderator.  If we get a few complaints, I want her to be aware that this is happening.

*****Updating message*****
Our Community Moderator just added a message below that it might be happening due to the new "Diagonal Moves" rune.  Below is a picture so please check your game to see if you have this. 



Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?