after last update. There are not enough Yellow candies for me to collect 13! I have tried everything & keep getting an error message that there are not enough to fill my order. I lose life, lose booster, now I'm losing patience.
Hi @J00 and welcome to our adorable Community 😊 I went back to this level and watched some recent videos. This one seems impossible but it's actually possible. You may stay without yellow candies so you need to be careful with your moves. You might consider using a color bomb. Here is the video for it.
I hope it will help you find the best approach. If not, I strongly recommend taking a break for a day or two to clear your mind. It helped me numerous times to finish the level once I come back to the game. Good luck and keep crushing 🍭
Hi @masterking and welcome to our adorable Community 😊 I have just answered on another thread about this level. It's a tricky one as you may stay without yellow candies so you need to be careful with your moves. You might consider using a color bomb. Here is the video for it.
I hope this will help you. If not, I strongly recommend taking a break for a day or two to clear your mind. It helped me numerous times to finish the level once I come back to the game. Good luck and keep crushing 🍭
Hi @firebombmarkus, Yes I have seen this to, and i also noticed those wont spawn. But unlike in the video those special candies... the ones with the questionmark.. are not counted in my game. Thats the bug i mentioned. Without those yellow questionmark candies there are not enough yellow candies. To be precise, I to had used that all coloured candie on the yellow.. it destroyed indeed all yellow candies. But i came short on the yellow due to the lack of counting the questionmarked candies.
@J00 Thank you for the detailed feedback. What I found out from the video is that we can't let those question marks be covered with chocolate. I think you might be right. I tried it now several times and saved all those yellow candies not to be merged with chocolate but it's still not enough. Can you please tell me what's the version of your game? It might be that this is solved with the last update. If your game is not updated, please update and let me know if it's still the same.
@firebombmarkus thats right the chocolate is a struggle but even without that it is not enough. My version is as far as i know the latest since i installed it this week and auto update is on.
Bonjour à tous, pour finir le niveau 408 il faut que vous fassiez dès le début une ligne de 4 bonbons jaunes. Il apparaîtra alors un bonbon jaune rayé. Choquez ce bonbon jaune rayé avec un bonbon multicolore afin de le démultiplier. J'espère que cela vous aidera. Good luck!!