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Level 408

JodzRN Posts: 2

Level 1

I am stuck like other players, there are not enough yellow drops to make 13. I watched on you-tube that level, but when I play it is not the rainbow jelly. So I cannot pass. Please help. JodzRN

Best Answer

  • Tut
    Tut Posts: 91

    Level 3

    Answer ✓
    I just went to game 408 there were 17 yellow drops and 13 are required I am confused if you don’t have enough yellow drops something must be wrong.  Some of the yellow drops specifically in the corners are caged, you must break the cage to collect them ,some of the yellow drops are covered with jelly you must match next to them remove jelly first then collect them . My advice to win the game is to go in with a full build a bot.  Play your lower levels until you have created one in full before Beginning the game again .   Also Play the levels that have a C on the button  and that will win you extra boosters to help you also .


  • Tut
    Tut Posts: 91

    Level 3

    Answer ✓
    I just went to game 408 there were 17 yellow drops and 13 are required I am confused if you don’t have enough yellow drops something must be wrong.  Some of the yellow drops specifically in the corners are caged, you must break the cage to collect them ,some of the yellow drops are covered with jelly you must match next to them remove jelly first then collect them . My advice to win the game is to go in with a full build a bot.  Play your lower levels until you have created one in full before Beginning the game again .   Also Play the levels that have a C on the button  and that will win you extra boosters to help you also .
  • JodzRN
    JodzRN Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I know that there are 8 question mark yellow eggs. Everytime I pop them they dont count as a yellow drop. So i don't know if it is a glitch on that level??? Cuz I've used the brown jelly donut to collect all yellow and still failed??? Thanks
  • myintx
    myintx Posts: 0


    Yes, there are 17 yellow drops and 13 are required, but if you "smash" a yellow drop with a ? on it, it DOES NOT decrease the collected count.... at least not for me. 

    I'm no here, what does this mean "
    My advice to win the game is to go in with a full build a bot.  Play your lower levels until you have created one in full before Beginning the game again .   Also Play the levels that have a C on the button  and that will win you extra boosters to help you also ."  What is a build a bot? 
  • Tut
    Tut Posts: 91

    Level 3

    Build a bot is the robot you get parts of for winning a game. As you win more continuous games you get more parts to the robot. When the robot is complete you will get many extra boosters on the game board. Play the easy games you can win over and over till you get the full robot.
  • firebombmarkus
    firebombmarkus Posts: 13,104
    Hi guys @Tut @myintx @JodzRN This is a known issue and the studio is looking into it. Let's hope it will be solved soon. I will let you know as soon as i have some info regarding this.
  • Tut
    Tut Posts: 91

    Level 3

    Since my last comment they have again started the gold spaceship. this is basicly the same as build a bot, win continuous levels without failing and you will eventually get a gold spaceship. That's lots of boosters on the board right away to help you win. 

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