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Where did your nickname come from?



  • Jelly_Jenny
    Jelly_Jenny Posts: 1,884
    This is a fun thread!

    Jelly Jenny was one of the first things to pop to my mind :awesome:

    My name is Jenny and I like things funny and light. I couldn't come up with a funny pun to add to my name, so a silly rhyme was the next best thing.

    @firebombmarkus or should I change my name to jellybean :lol:

  • Xarly
    Xarly Posts: 2,509
    edited August 2019
    Loving this thread, thanks for creating it and tagging me @firebombmarkus!

    My name comes from when I was 14. Back then we were using Messenger as a way to talk to our friends. It was a trend in Spain to put your name in English (Carlos=Charles) but to make it "cooler" (the definition of "cool" I had back then is not the one I have now :tongue:). The cool kids where using X instead of CH here, so that made me call myself "Xarly" back then.

    Since then, by the time I became a Community Manager I decided to go back to my roots and use Xarly as my name. And that's been the case ever since!

    The nickname represents me at this point way more than it did in its origin, so no plans on changing it at all :sunglasses:.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552
    @Jelly Jenny I thought your name was spelled Jenni because one of the CMs wrote it that way.  Now I realize that it was probably a spelling error so I won't be typing it this way anymore! 

    I love your story @Xarly!  This is really fun learning about everyone.
  • firebombmarkus
    firebombmarkus Posts: 13,104
    @Jelly Jenny Well you should if we consider how many times I tagged you that way 🤣 It's a cute story behind your nick 😊

    @Xarly I love this story! We are almost the same age so I can totally relate to your story, Messenger and the definition of cool 😎🤘🏻

    Thank you both for sharing your stories and supporting the thread 💜
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,148
    Hello @QueenMia, you have already told us about the story behind your nick name 🤗 

    Hey @Xarly, I know half the story behind your name... now I know fully 🤗  And your Avatar goes very well with your name -- I like that cute ninja (I know I shouldn't say "cute") <3

    Hey @Jelly Jenny, I always thought "perfect rhyme"... so, that IS the reason behind your name <3
  • LadyRaffie
    LadyRaffie Posts: 4,124
    edited August 2019
    Hello everyone!  :3

    Thanks @firebombmarkus for this interesting and fun thread!  <3

    So about my nickname... it has some story behind:
    When I was a kid I always named my teddy bears with old Spanish names  :p
    Last Christmas, some friends of mine gave me a baby (not small at all) teddy bear giraffe  🦒  since they know it`s one of my fav animals in the world (along with unicorns 🦄)
    And so I called her Rafaela.
    Since she has become the guardian of my home and has stolen my heart, I decided to use it for my nickname. Raffie is the short way 
    And I added Queen because in Zen mythology, to have balance, things have to come in odd numbers. Since there were two Queens I decided to follow by ;) 
  • impossible146
    impossible146 Posts: 23

    Level 3

    Level 146. 
    I was stuck on that level for ages. The only reason I got past it was that I got +15 moves on the moves wheel. Hence, “impossible146”
  • firebombmarkus
    firebombmarkus Posts: 13,104
    @QueenRaffie Thank you 🤗 I love the story behind your nick and the Zen mythology too ♥️ Is there a chance that you post a picture of Rafaela for us to see? 
  • firebombmarkus
    firebombmarkus Posts: 13,104
    Lol @impossible146 I love this! It's really great to know how people got their nicks. Thanks for sharing it with us 😊
  • LizzyLemondrop
    LizzyLemondrop Posts: 824
    edited August 2019
    Hi everyone! What a fun thread, thanks for tagging me @firebombmarkus =) . So I'm never good at creating usernames and passwords, but I thought I'd like to use a candy themed name since this is the world of Candy Crush. My real name is Elizabeth, but I answer to just about any shortening of my name (Liz, Beth, etc.). The yellow teardrops in Soda Saga looked like lemon drops to me Yellowcandy so naturally I took Lizzy + Lemondrop because they both begin with the letter L.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?